All Ogre now....

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A/N does anyone else watch the FNAF confessionals or the videos on how to not make it scary. God the lawls.

*next day at work*

  'So far today's been Boring' I thought sitting down at my lunch break. I looked around the small break room, only to see I was alone. 'I guess I could go find Kaitlyn' I thought getting up and going to Pirate Cove.

  When I finally reached Pirate Cove I found Kaitlyn on stage with Foxy, him in his normal robo form. They were telling stories to the children and acting them out on stage.

"HEY!~" I yelled at Kaitlyn waving.

"FOXY I'M TAKING MY LUNCH BREAK!" the girl yelled at him while making her way over to you.

  "So..... watcha wanna do?"'she asked me.

I shrugged "Dunno."

"Oh I have an idea! But first.... RACE YA TO THE BREAK ROOM!" She yelled starting to run away. I ran after her.

  "Okay here's the  plan." She said pulling out her phone.

"I'm going to show you a video. And you, have to watch it without laughing. Okay?"

"Okay." I said pouting. She handed me her phone. 'Shrek is Love Shrek is Life....OooooI love Shrek too!" I thought pressing play on the video. 

*video time skip, and many laughs later....."

"What. The. Fuck. Was that?" I asked her.

"That my friend is a nine year old brogre."She responded with a smirk.

"My innocence it's....its.... ALL OGRE NOW!" I said while fake crying.

"It happens to the best of us." she said shaking her head with a small frown on her face.

  "OH SHIT OUR BREAK WAS OGRE TEN MINUTES AGO!" Kaitlyn yelled running out of the room.

"BYE! SEE YOU TONIGHT!" I yelled back at Kaitlyn.

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