The second kill

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I looked at the clock. "Awwww yissss, work is over!" I quickly  clocked out in the night guards office then found a nice place to nap.


I woke up to a dinging noise. 'Must be 12. OH YAH I NEED TO FIND EVERYONE'.

I walked down to the night guard's office. In the office I see a poodle headed blond girl with glasses. She has her sketch book out, not even paying attention t  the screen or doors.

"Yo girl your gonna get killed." I tell her.

"Hey Im (y/n)."

"Oh Im Karis."(Its pronounced like paris but with a K)She said.

Just then Kaitlyn appears in the other door.

"Karis what are you doing here?" She asked the girl. 

"You know her?" I asked Kaitlyn.

"Yup. We've been best friends since 6th grade." Kaitlyn said back to me.

"So Karis, what are you drawing?" I asked peeking over her shoulder. "Yaoi."

"God damn." Kaitlyn said shaking her head

  Then *BAM* out of no where a man appeared out of thin air. He had a green shirt, brown hair and legitimately orange skin.

  "THIS IS HOMESTUCK!" he yelled shooting Karis in the face with a Ebola gun.

  "WTF?" Kaitlyn said looking at Karis's dead body.

"Um. Is she dead?" I asked looking at the body on the floor.

  "That was Andrew Hussie creator of Homestuck. So there is a possibility that she'll come back to life.

"Im still here!" Lord Hussie said to us.


Kaitlyn started to violently shake the man. "WHY WOULD YOU KILL THEM ALL!  WE WAITED A YEAR FOR AN UPDATE AND ALL WE GET IS WEEABOOS AND DEATH!!!!" He then snapped his fingers and disappears.

  Karis then sits up from the floor in a weird outfit. 'Are those pajamas?'.


  Foxy then runs into the room with a sword and beheads Karis. She then dies again. 'What the fuck."

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