Shut Down

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*Time skip to Friday*

Today's our last day and I'm close to a mental breakdown. The teens flood in at a quick pace and I now know it's time for our last performance.

"In honor of (Y/n) and My last performance here we are gonna play some songs from the great, split up band, My Chemical Romance." Kaitlyn said onto the mic. We performed Welcome to the black parade, Dead, Famous last words, and Mama. The young emos cheered and clapped when we finished the concert more than they ever had in the past.

*one hour later*

"Kaitlyn do you think that after they shut us off we'll ever power back on?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure. I hope so. We should probably say our good byes just incase."

We found everyone else in the kitchen talking.

"Hey." Kaitlyn whispered to everyone as we shuffled into the room.

"Here to say your goodbyes too?" Bonnie said to us.

"Yup." Kaitlyn said and then started to hug each person.

"Hey (Y/n) could you come with me for a moment?" Bonnie asked while putting his hand out for me to take.

"Sure." I smiled back at him and took his hand, Bonnie led me to the broom closet and shut the door behind us.

"Okay I'm just gonna be honest with you (Y/n). I know that I haven't done much to show it to you in the past but.... I really like you (Y/n), no I think I may love you. So...I was wondering... would you be my girlfriend?" He ask me while blushing.

"Bonnie... I-"

"(Y/N)!BONNIE!HURRY THE PEOPLE ARE HERE!" Kaitlyn yelled at us from down the hall.

We both took off running to our spots without saying anything to each other. As soon as I got into my spot on stage the door opened up and 6 men walked in. Each one walked up to each of us (excluding Goldie). A tall man came over and opened my back. I felt him messing with stuff. He found the switch. And as soon as he flicked it I felt my energy slowly disappear.

Then it was all black.

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