Gawd I love the internet

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"So what's your idea ?" Kaitlyn asked sitting down beside me. We are in the gaurds office again. Sitting under desk.

  "Its called the internet my friend." I said pulling my laptop out of my bag. First lets look up this place. I typed in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. And the first thing that pops up is a video game.

"I didn't know there was a game based on this place." Kaitlyn said.

"Oh dear lord its a fandom too." I said looking at the fanart and giggling. Kaitlyn looks over to see the comic Im looking at.

"Foxy give me the knot."she read.

"HAHAHaHaAH" We laughed so hard.

I then got on YouTube and typed in : Fnaf. I clicked on a video 'How to make five nights at freddys not scary.' It was called. Kaitlyn and I's favorite part was when Bonnie appered in the video and claimed to be 'looking for booty'.

Then we looked at a video called : FNAF confessionals.

"Okay you officially have the best ideas." Kaitlyn said laughing again. Bonnie then appeared at the door in his robo form.

"Did you come looking for Booty?" Kaitlyn asked him. And we both laughed.

Bonnie looked at us with a horrified face.

"Oh gawd you saw that?"he asked blushing.

"Noooooooo." we both said innocently.

"I was wondering if Foxy really ever gave you knot?" I asked and Kaitlyn died laughing, and I joined in.

"FOXY!!" Kaitlyn yelled. Foxy ran to the door that Bonnie is at. Both now back in human form.

"Foxy, did you give Bonnie the knot? He won't tell us." She asked him. I'm just trying to not pee myself from laughing.

  "I can't say I did." He answered. Both of them blushing.

"He so did." I whispered to Kaitlyn loudly so they could hear us.

"I don't think Bonnie came here looking for your booty I think he came for Foxy's." She said too me.

"WE DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER!!!!" They yelled at us.

"Prove it." I said both Kaitlyn I Smirking.

Bonnie whispered something to Foxy, and both nodded.

I was then grabbed by Bonnie and he started.... GROPING ME. "LET GO OF ME BUNNY THIS PROVES NOTHING!" I yelled at him while pouting.

I look over to see Foxy doing the same to her. I feel bad for her because of the hook.

"FOXY KEEP YE HOOK TO YE SELF I DON'T  WANT THE KNOT!" Kaitlyn whined while I laughed at her. Foxy Blushed and let go of her.

  "Hey, dont make fun of me accent." he said going to the EMO CORNER.


"Okay I'll try!" I said to her. I then whispered In Bonnie's ear :"I like you, so we can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

  He then dropped me and walked out of the room with his hands up. Foxy then followed out winking at Kaitlyn.


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