I'm sorry :(

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I've been kinda stuck on a few drafts I have and I don't know how to finish them.

I'm currently working on one request of thranduil x reader x legolas, a continuation to Lost, The Found. And then there's the ones I came up with, I have one where the reader shows the company what surfing is, another part to arachnophobia and the second part to Beauty and the King.

I haven't stopped writing, I just cant think of how to finish them so I can post them for you guys to read.

I keep alternating between each of them when I get stuck on one but it doesn't help so I'm curious as to what you guys want me to do,

For Beauty and the King, im kinda stuck on who is going to have the Gaston song, it's between Thorin and Bard. I already have the rest of the chapter written, im just stuck with that one part of the story, once I figure it out, it'll be posted. The reason I'm stuck is because I want to have both of them singing the song, but I don't know how to write a scene going back and forth, so tell which one you guys want to see, it might help.

I'm just sorry I haven't posted in a while and I hope you guys can forgive me.

Writer's block sucks ass.

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