Chapter 15

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"Okay class write a story where the FBI agent that watches you through your character's phone falls in love with your character, and one day they bump into them not knowing they know everything about your character and they work for the FBI. Plus points if your character is a drug dealer or serial killer, and the FBI agent doesn't know it." You English teacher tells us.

I look at my paper, and then glance at Kyle. He stares at the paper blankly then starts writing. I sigh, and start writing myself. Not that many people know that I like writing. Well besides Kenny. I may not be great with talking with coming off as rude or mean, but I am a fantastic writer... Don't quote me on that.

After class was over I headed to my locker. Tonight is the dance. I let out a small sigh. Just a little longer and my secret will be revealed. Just a few more hours, and I will be rejected by the boy I love. 

This fucking sucks.

"All students attending the homecoming dance please report to the gym." I hear over the PA system, and start making my way there. I looked around, and saw my friends. I walked over to them. 

"Hey Cartman." Kenny moved a bit, and I sat between him and Kyle. Wendy walked into the middle of the gym.

"Hello everyone!" Wendy waved. "As you all know tonight is the dance. We will be selling tickets after school so you still have time to buy one, but also remember to vote for your Homecoming King and Queen."

I rolled my eyes. It's just going to be like how it was the last few years. Wendy is queen and Clyde is king as a joke. It's a bit annoying afterwards when Clyde gloats. Soon everyone leaves the gym, and leave school early. I walk home, and start looking for my outfit for tonight. It's not that I care about what I wear it's just if I seem like I'm trying really hard for him to except me (which I am) he may let me down nicely. Who am I kidding?

I'm screwed.

That night Kyle's POV

"Wait so you're actually going?" Ike asks me, and I nod. "Why exactly?"

I think for a moment. Am I about to come out to my brother? He trusted me and came out of the closet... So I guess so. "Ike... I'm gay, and this guy who likes me invited me to go."

I glanced at him to see him nod. "Who is it?"

"That's it. I'm not sure." I tell Ike, and hand him a stack of letters that I got. "They left these in my locker.

Ike took them from me, and started reading. "Wow sappy." He chuckled.

"Heh I guess so." I blushed a small bit.

"Oh." Ike mumbled.

"What?" I asked a little confused.

"I know who wrote these." Ike stated, and I quickly looked at him. "Kyle?"

I grab him by the shoulders. "Who wrote them Ike?"

"It wa-" My phone went off, and took my phone out.

I sigh, and answer it. "Hello?"

"Kyle! Where are you?!"

"Stan? Where are you?" I asked him confused. I heard loud music in the background. Oh shit the dance. "Nevermind I'm on my way over!" I hung up, and looked at Ike. "This conversation isn't over."

I ushered Ike out of my room, and quickly changed. I didn't realize it was time for the dance. Tonight I will find out who was leaving the letters. Ike knows who it is, but I have no idea how.

I walked downstairs to see Ike and Firkle on the living room couch watching TV. "No sex Ike!" I yell before leaving the house.

"What the fuck Kyle!?" I hear him yell after me. "I'm in middle school!"

I chuckled a little before walking to the school. I stop, and look at my car in the drive way. Maybe... Maybe I should drive this one time... I pull my car keys out of my pocket, and get in the car.

I drive to the school trying to calm my nerves. "Tonight is the night." I park my car, and walk in the school.

Kenny was at the snack table, Stan was talking with Clyde, and Cartman was no where to be found.

It's strange really. Car- Eric was the only one lately that would listen to me. Well besides Kenny.

Hands go over my eyes, and I feel someone behind me. "Guess who."

"Hmm it's either the cold clammy hands of death or Tony." I chuckled.

The hands move away, and I turn around to see Tony. He was staring at his hands in awe. "Are my hands really that cold?" He smiled, and looked at me. "Hey doll."

"Doll?" I questioned.

"Yeah. You remind me of a porcelain doll. So broken from the people around them, and yet you're still beautiful." Tony moved some of my hair behind.y ear. "After all guys can be beautiful too, right?"

"R-right." I blushed. The sender of the letters must be him. Who else can say something so nice, and seem to mean it?

"You seemed upset. I knew Kenny and Stan wouldn't go after you so someone had to." Cartman shrugged. "Now what do you want to do?"

I blinked as I remembered what Cartman told me the other day.

"Kyle." I feel a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright." That's when I notice I'm actually crying.

Cartman hugs me, and for once I'm happy he's near me.

Another flash back.

"You may be a monster, but you're my little monster."

Another from years ago. Why am I thinking about Cartman? I look up at Tony. He smiled down at me. "Tony..."

"I love you Kyle." Tony confessed.


I look at my watch, and then at Tony. "Um sorry Tony, but I don't feel the same." I told him, and quickly walked away. Something is off about it. Or is it me? Tony usually makes my heart race, and my face flush. Heart attach perhaps? Maybe.

I remember I'm supposed to meet the sender of the letters at the center of the gym. This will prove if Tony is the sender or not. I walk to the center, and wait.

And wait...

And wait...

The final dance start. I feel someone tap my shoulder. "Kyle..." I turn around to see Cartman dressed in a red and black tux with a single carnation in his hand.

"Cartman?" I questioned as my heart quickened.

"I love you."

Letters To KyleWhere stories live. Discover now