Morning Masturbation Session?

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"He WHAT?" Rian gasps.
"He almost kissed me!" Jack exclaims. "W-we we're sitting on the edge of the fountain and-and he got really close and then- and then I think I said it was okay and he pulled away and gave me that dumb smirk!"
"Holy shit, Jack! That's awesome!"
"I-I mean I guess..."
"And you're going on a date tomorrow? Oh my god, we have to find you something to wear-"
"Rian, it's late!"
"So? This is important!"

Rian jumps up from his seat and rushes over to Jack's closet. "Do you wear anything other than black? There's so much black in here people might mistake you as a villain.
"That's racist."
"You know what I meant!" Rian digs through Jack's clothes and starts pulling things out.

"Alex has seen me in a lot of that stuff before. What's it matter?"
Rian scoffs. "This is your fiancée Jack! And you're going on a date! You have to look nice!"
Jack rolls his eyes. "Who's the gay one here exactly?"
"Oh shush! My dad's a hatter. He makes hats, but also clothes and stuff. I have an idea, I need your measurements." Rian pulls a tape measure out of his pocket and walks over to Jack.

"Woah, what? My measurements?"
"Yeah. I can set the mannequin to your body type and you can get some sleep while I get you something to wear."
"He said it was casual-"
"Even better!"

Rian asks Jack to stand with his arms out and then pulls a mannequin out of the closet. He then uses the tape measure to measure each of Jack's limbs. He calls out measurements and the mannequin slowly changes shape until he's done.

"Alright, I'll get to sewing. You'll need the white button up with the black jeans. Your converse should do fine."
"Christ Rian, it's a casual lunch date."
"Yeah yeah. Go to bed."

Rian pulls out his sewing machine and sits down at his desk. Jack glares at the machine but then takes his stuff to the dorm bathrooms for a shower.


In the bathroom, Jack can hear someone singing, but he isn't really surprised since the kids of, like, all the musical queens are here at this school.

Jack finds an empty shower stall and hangs his stuff on the hook on the wall

The only other person in the bathroom doesn't seem to care that Jack has entered, then again maybe he hasn't noticed.

"Take off your makeup and put down the camera-"

Jack listens to the singer as he washes up. He can't help but think about how he's never heard this song before. And the singer is amazing.

He hears the water from the other shower stop, but the singer continues, humming to himself mostly.

Jack finishes up in the shower and turns off the water. Then he dries off and changes quickly into a pair of pajama pants and a baggy T-shirt from some band his mom hates.
Then he pulls back the curtain and the singer stops.

"Shit!" The guy jumps back from the mirror where he was fixing his hair. He grabs hold of the towel around his waist, just in case.

Jack covers his eyes.
"Fuck, Jack, you scared the crap outta me!"

Jack lowers the hand covering his eyes to see Alex fixing the towel around his waist. "Sorry," Jack mutters.
"I didn't realize you were in here, fuck." Alex looks over Jack's pajamas. "Blink fan?" Jack nods. "Nice. My dad hates that band. Him and his bullshit classical music." Alex huffs and goes back to fixing his hair.
"My mom hates 'em too," Jack says. He grabs his toothbrush out of his bag. "She thinks they're making me angrier."
"Good. Anger means you realize the systems fucked."
Jack laughs.

He starts brushing his teeth and tries to avoid looking at Alex's slipping towel.

Alex finishes up with his hair and then barely manages to catch his towel before it falls. Jack is pretty sure that's the first time he's really seen Alex blush.
"Fuck," Alex mutters. "I better change. See you tomorrow." He waves before heading back into the shower stall.

Jack considers waiting for him, but he's exhausted and wants to make sure Rian isn't destroying his wardrobe.

"I hate dorm bathrooms," Jack announces to an empty room. He frowns. "Rian?"
There's no one here.
Jack sighs and climbs into bed. Then he tries not to think about Alex.

Then he can't sleep because he spent so much time thinking about Alex.
Then he wakes up to a knock on the door in the middle of a wet dream.


Jack looks at the clock on his nightstand and cringes as the time. It's noon.
There's a knock on the door again. Rian rolls around in his bed with a groan. "Jack," he grumbles, "tell him to go away."

"Rian I'm late!"
There's another knock on the door and Rian jumps out of bed and rushes for the door.
Jack heads for the closet.

"No! Jack, over there!" Rian points to a set of neatly folded clothes on the dresser in the other side of the room.
"Fuck, Rian you're not my house maid!"

Rian opens the door just enough to see who's there. "Hey, Alex! How are you?"
"I'm good," Alex's says. "Is Jack here?"
"Jack? What, who's Jack?"
"Rian!" Jack hisses as he tries to get his skinny jeans on. He then falls on his ass. "Fuck."

"What was that?" Comes Alex's voice from the other side of the door.
"What? Oh, that's my... uh... my cat. Yes. I have a cat."
"There's no cats allowed on school grounds, and last I checked, you had a mouse."
"Did I say cat, I meant, uh, hat. That's my hat. It's gotta mind of it's own."

Jack internally groans. He could practically see Alex's suspicious eyebrow raise through the door.
Jack gets his jeans on then pulls on the white button up shirt.

"Roll up the sleeves!" Rian hisses.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing, Nothing. Jack is definitely on time and not hard."
"Rian!" Jack practically seethes.
Jack rolls up the sleeves and grabs a red vest that Rian probably made the night before. It looks nice on him.
"Oh , hey look at that, you can come in!" Rian steps away from the door and Alex walks in, visibly confused.

"Am I missing something?" Alex asks.
"Just me," Jack says as he laces up his vans. When he's done he jumps up and grins. "Ready?"
Alex snorts, looking down. "I uh, think you've got a bit of a situation right there."
Rian can't stop laughing on his side of the room.

Jack turns a dangerous shade of red. "Shit, I- I mean, um-"
"Rian wasn't kidding, huh?"
"Okay, listen, I slept in and then-"
"Morning masturbation session?" Alex laughs.
"No- I mean-, well-"
"You should have heard him last night," Rian says. He starts mocking Jack. "Oh, Alex. Ohhh. Ohhhhhhh."

Alex laughs, but he's also turning a bit pink.
"Look, are we going on this date or not?"
"I'm gonna wait outside," Alex says. "And you can um.... yeah."

Jack cringes internally as Alex walks out of the room. Then he shoots the worst glare at Rian. "You are such a dick."
Rian just laughs.

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