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The school, once a place running rampant with bullies, now the only safe heaven for Jalex and friends.

Of all the places in the kingdom, the school is the one teaching the importance of continuing the fairy tales. The teachers lock the runaway princes in one of the dorm rooms, and then guard the school. If not for the staff here, the story book would have been lost centuries ago. Snow White's tale will not end now, especially not with the first gay princes in fairy tale history.

As to how it will continue, has yet to be discovered. Perhaps adoption? Magic? A stolen first born? No one is quite sure, nor are Jack and Alex ready for that to be discussed. Especially not now, given the current situation, with their lives in the line.

The two princes sit together on one bed, while Avril and Hayley are on the other. Zack and Rian are talking near the window, keeping watch.

"Our parents," Jack says, his voice shaky as he speaks, "they tried to have me killed."

His memory from when he was asleep is slowly coming back in bits and pieces, but most of it's fuzzy.

Alex simply nods solemnly, holding Jack close as the younger prince mumbles out every new memory he comes across.

"I forgot you, in the dream world. I forgot who you were I- if I hadn't remember I may not be here, Alex- I-"
Alex hushes him, running his fingers through Jack's hair as he watches the door. "We're safe now, Jack. They won't get to us."

Alex doesn't say "can't." It would be a lie. In reality, no one is quite sure what to do now. Snow White tried for decades to have a second child, a daughter, but she always miscarried, leaving Jack the family disappointment.
Even if the school stops Jack and Alex from being killed, who's to say the story won't end here anyway? Certainly these two men can't continue their family bloodline?

Jack isn't safe. Until the next part of the story is revealed, neither him or Alex will ever be safe. It's a waiting game of life or death, and it's a nightmare to watch, and hell to play.

"Alex?" It's Zack who speaks. "Your father sent the royal guard."

Alex nods, pulling away from Jack so he can walk to the door of the room. He knocks and the door opens.

"Mr. Grimm? Are we going to be okay?"
Mr. Grimm, well, he looks a bit grim as he registers the question. His brother, Mr. Grimm, shrugs. "All we can do now is hope. The school doesn't have an army, Alexander, but you wouldn't have made it this far if your story was meant to end now."

And the door moves to close.
"Wait!" Zack calls, running up to Alex and the Grimm brothers. "Send me out there."

"Zachary, I don't think that's/"
"If I go full giant, the can't hurt me too terribly."
Mr. Grimm chances at his brother, who shrugs. "I-I suppose if you insist- and if you can't get terribly injured-"

Alex shakes his head, grabbing Zack's shirt sleeve before he can make it out of the door. "Are you insane? What if there's a bomb or-"
"I'll be fine, Alex."

Rian places a hand on Alex's shoulder, and Alex let's go of Zack's sleeve.

"Alex, Zack will be fine. We need you here," Rian says softly. "Jack needs you here. But right now they need all the help they can get."
With a slow nod, Alex returns to his spot next to Jack without another word.

All they can do now is wait.

Poison (Jalex)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora