It's A Very Nice Door

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The bathrooms are empty now that dinner has started. Alex is already planning to pull a few strings in the kitchen so they can still get some food.

Jack's shirt is stained green and brown from the grass and there's a few scratches and scuffs on his hands and one side of his face. There's a hole in the knee of his jeans revealing a scrape from where he landed on a rock.

Alex grabs a clean towel from the stack of shelves on the wall and wets it in the sink
Then he motions for Jack to sit down on a bench near the lockers. Alex sits down next to him and presses the wet towel against a scrape on Jack's cheek. Jack flinches.
"Sorry," Alex apologizes
"It's okay. Just stings."
Alex nods. "I'll text Rian to get you some clean clothes."
"I can just change later," Jack says.
"I know. But if anyone passes us in the hallway and sees you like this they'll probably make fun of you for weeks."
Alex shrugs, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text to Rian. "You're gay. People will assume you're into rough sex."
"I got beat up in the garden."
"Yeah, but only me and Ronnie and his group of shitheads were there to see that. They won't listen to me and Ronnie's probably already thinking of ways to fuck us over. You specifically."

There's a knock on the bathroom door after someone tries to open it. Alex gets up to see who it is, thanks the person and then closes and locks the door again. He returns with a clean shirt for Jack to wear.
"Here," he says, handing the shirt to Jack.

Jack stares at the shirt for a long time, he's unsure if he should just change right here or go into one of the shower stalls for a few seconds.

He decides to just change here since it's just Alex and they're both guys. Alex doesn't seem at all effected as he takes Jacks discarded white shirt and throws it into the trash. "You're never getting those stains out," Alex says. "I'll get you a new one."
"I didn't like that shirt anyway," Jack says with a shrug. "I'm going to head back to my dorm if that's okay."
"Okay. I can walk you back."
"No, that's fine. Rian's probably going to ask a million questions. I'll see you later." Jack smiles. Then he heads out of the bathroom with nothing but a wave.

He walks down the hall with his hands in his pockets until he gets to his room. Then he walks in to find Rian pacing.

"Jack!" Rian exclaims. "Holy shit, what happened?"
"Got in a fight."
"What? Did Alex fight you?"
"No. Ronnie did."
"That asshat from the other day?" Rian asks.
"Yeah. It's fine. I missed dinner though."
"Ah shit that sucks. I might have some snacks in my backpack, hold on."

Rian walks over to his backpack and dogs through it for a few minutes while Jack just walks over and sits on his bed.
Rian shrugs when he stands up empty handed. "I think I ate them in math today. Sorry."
"It's alright. Thanks anyway."
Rian studies his friend for a moment. "Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yeah. I'm just gonna get some sleep. Goodnight."
Rian nods and heads back to his side of the dorm.

Jack changes into sweats and then climbs into bed, unable to sleep, but perfectly comfortable listening to Rian do his homework.

Then there's a knock. Rian walks over and opens the door. "Weird. No one's there."

Then someone knocks frantically on what sounds like the window.
Jack sees him first and sits up quickly. "Alex?"

Their dorm is a good seven stories up in a castle turned boarding school. How the fuck did Alex get up here? Jack runs over and opens the window.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Jack asks.
"You missed dinner so I pulled some strings in the cafeteria and brought you food."
"Okay, but how did you get up here?" Jack leans out of the window to see Alex standing on a carpet. "What the fuck?"
Alex smiles sheepishly. "I borrowed Alaya's magic carpet."
"Aladdin's daughter."

Jack blinks at him. "We have a door."
"Yeah, its a very nice door. Much safer then flying up to a seventh story window!" Rian agrees, walking up behind Jack. "Also why the fuck did you let Jack get in a fight."
"I didn't let him-" Alex protests.
"Well then what the fuck happened-"
"Can you guys argue about this later?" Jack asks impatiently. He reaches through the window to grab the picnic basket out of Alex's hand. Then he hands that to Rian and helps Alex through the window.

"You're insane," Jack mutters. "What if you fell?"
"Nah. This carpets a genius. And it's got child locks."

When Alex is through the window and safely in Jack's room, the carpet flies up and salutes Alex before flying off into the night.

Jack turns to Alex. "Do you know what time it is?" He asks.
"Like ten."
"Which is after curfew!" Jack exclaims. Rian is already on the other side of the room, pulling at the curtain at the center of the room for more privacy. "If someone catches you in here-"
"I'll be fine, Jack. My dad practically owns this place."
"Jack," Alex says smiling, "I'm fine. Are you hungry?" He holds up the picnic basket and the smell of pizza wins Jack over.

They sit on his bed as they eat. Alex talks about how he's totally going to pay someone to kick Ronnie's ass and then Jack has to remind him that Ronnie can't be killed or the story of Snow White will be lost forever.
Alex grumbles about how the story is dumb anyway but continues eating his pizza.

When they're finished, Alex places a kiss on Jack's cheek and leaves through the door this time.

Rian peeks through the curtain, one hand over his eyes. "Are you decent?"
"Christ Rian, I haven't even kissed the guy yet!"
"Okay but are you?"

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