Poison Apples

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Trigger warning: brief mention of suicide

"What do you mean Jack's in a coma?" Rian exclaims. He's helping out at his father's tea shop making drinks. It's mostly empty due to the chaos of Snow White's son falling victim to his curse. "Aren't you supposed to be with Jack then? Like, I dunno, making out? Getting fucking married?"
Alex bites back the tears of frustration threatening to fall. "My parents wouldn't tell me where he is. I don't know how to get to him, Rian. Please, I need help!"

Rian hands a cup of tea to one of the customers, then wiped his hands on his apron. "So let me get this straight, your parents have never once let on that they were homophobic for your entire eighteen and a half years of life, and now suddenly your actual fiancé since birth is in a coma and you're the only one who can wake him but no one will allow that to happen because homophobia?"
"Well don't you catch on quick," says Avril, daughter of Alice Liddell of Alice in Wonderland. She's still looking at the menu and trying to pawn free samples off of Rian's coworker.

Rian rolls his eyes and stares at Alex intently. "Look, I'd love to help Jack, but right now I have to help out with my father's tea shop."
"Rian please," Alex begs, the tears in his eyes finally rolling down his cheeks. "I can't do this alone. Jack needs us. He's so scared. I was supposed to be there, but- but- I broke my promise."

Hayley sets a hand on Alex's shoulder and smiles. She's the daughter of Queen of Hearts, and simply loves love story's. But her father killed himself because her mother was so overbearing and blood thirsty that she doesn't really believe they work out.

But she has hope for Alex and the prince he told them about, Jack.

Rian sighs. "Let me talk to my dad."

Rian goes into the back room for a few minutes as Avril finally orders something. They watch the other barista prepare her drink until Rian returns.
He grabs his hat off a hook on the wall. "Let's go then."


Jack has done nothing but try to plot his escape for days. He's covered in bruises from all the times he's tried to pinch himself awake. He hasn't slept a wink and all he can think about is how beautiful Alex's new bride must be.
Probably some blond chick. Maybe Cinderella's daughter. What was her name again? Jenna?

Jack shakes his head. He doesn't want to think about this. He's heart broken, hurt, and terrified.
Alex was supposed to be his soulmate, but the guy ditched him as soon as Jack's curse finally struck.

And to think, Jack had actually trusted him. That time in Jack's dorm with the apple from Ronnie? Fuck Jack should've trusted Alex back then. Then maybe this would have been over sooner. Maybe then Jack wouldn't have trusted Alex so much with his thoughts or his body.

But it's too late for that now. Now Jack's doomed to spend the rest of his life in a creepy tower surrounded by dead apple trees and thorns. Maybe he should get to know sleeping beauty's kid. Oh right, he's stuck here. Forever.

He spends his time thinking of what ifs and what could've have beens until a voice seems to speak to him from all over the room.

"Jack? Sweetie? It's your mother. I'm pretty sure you can hear me, if the curse is still the same at least."
Jack slowly stands up, looking around the room for a face or a speaker. A mirror maybe? But no. Just the disembodied voice of his mother.

"Jack, I hate to have to tell you this while there's nothing you can do, but we've decided it best Alex doesn't wake you from the curse."

What? Jack gapes as nothing in particular as he begins searching for any sort of hidden speaker system.

"But, now Alexander is missing. He ran off after the party, we thought he went to search for you, but... well we can't find him anywhere."

No. No this can't be happening. Jack steps away from the stone walls he had been clawing at, pulling at his hair as he realizes that he's been blaming Alex for things that weren't his fault.

"Jack. If you can hear me, then you should know that it was the decisions of the kings and queens of both our kingdoms to end our stories this way. The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves dies with you, I'm afraid. I love you, my son, but I cannot allow you to end our bloodline in such a way as this."

Jack heard footsteps recede and the freak of a door opening. Then silence envelopes him once more.

With a sick feeling in just stomach, Jack feels a new, fucked up sort of hope.

Alex didn't betray him. His own parents did.

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