Wonderland Sucks and So Does Alex

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"You're not Hayley," says a girl with too much eye makeup and lots of hair extensions.

Alex looks up at her through blurred vision. "What's it matter to you?" He mutters.
"Well," the girl says, "I'm looking for my friend Hayley, who said she'd meet me here, and you're not her."

Alex wipes his nose on his jacket sleeve and then puts his head in his hands.

"You're dresses pretty nice for a stroll through the mazes," says the stranger. "What's up with that?"
"You're wearing a lot of makeup for someone just meeting a friend," Alex counters. "What's up with that?"
"Touché." The girl holds out a hand. "I'm Avril. And you are?"
"Looking for my friend Rian."
Avril scoffs. "Typical."

Alex frowns. "What?"
"Royals. They always think us Wonderlanders are a bunch of wackos who drink too much tea and try too many drugs. Don't trust us enough to give us a first name."
Alex sighs. "No. Sorry, I'm just- I lost someone important to me. I'm trying to get him back."
"So what's your name?" Avril asks.
Alex raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything else. Another girl with bright orange hair walks up.

"Hey!" She says to the other girl. "Who's this?"
"Alex. He's a royal." Avril motions to the other girl. "This is Hayley."

"Do either of you know my friend Rian? Mad Hatter's kid."
"Oh him?" Avril scoffs. "Sure. He's weird."
"Yeah, even for wonderland."
"Yeah, well, he's my friend," Alex states, trying not to get frustrated with the strangers before him. "And I need his help with something important."
"What, was your princess kidnapped?"
"No, but my fiancé's unconscious because of a curse and our parents won't let me see him because they're homophobic dicks."

Avril and Hayley exchange a surprised look before walking away.
Alex scoffs as he watches the go. Typical Wonderlanders. Only care about themselves.

But then the two of them do something that surprises Alex. They turn around.

"Are you coming or what?" Hayley calls. Alex takes off after them.


An escape. That's what Jack needs right now, to get out of here. But how?

He's trapped in his own head, in his own nightmare. And Alex is now where to be found. Jack should've known. Gays don't get fairytale endings. Not even if they're prophesied.

Alex was probably leading him on this whole time. Faking feelings just to get Jack to trust him. He's probably planning a new wedding with some secret girlfriend right this very second.

Maybe it's cuz he can't talk. Jack can't blame Alex for not wanting to be around someone who can't speak. Jack wouldn't want to be around himself either. Not that it matters, Jack's stuck up in a tower by himself for the rest of eternity. All because he trusted someone too much.

He feels like an idiot.
An idiot who's in love.

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