Strip Games

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It's the thing on every junior and senior's mind towards the end of the school year.

One last giant party where everyone gets all dressed up in over the top fancy things.
A twice in a lifetime opportunity.


Jack already knew Alex was going to ask him. They were both seniors after all.
They were both able to go.

So was Ronnie, but now that Ronnie has his temporary girlfriend, Jack is almost positive he won't bother them.

However, after Alex's homecoming proposal, Jack isn't sure he's ready for whatever crazy thing Alex has in store for prom.
He's scared to turn absolutely any corner and Jack can tell that Alex is happy enough just by that.
Rian and Zack have started acting fishy too, as if they know something Jack doesn't.

It's terrifying.

Prom is still a month away though. Exactly one week before the seniors graduate.
Then finals, which also has Jack stressed beyond belief.

Alex has been helping Jack study basically all year, even more so now that finals are coming up.

"Jack, you missed half of these," Alex says, looking over Jack's worksheet. "Your usually not that bad at algebra. This is the easiest shit we've done all year."
Jack sighs. "I know, I know." He erases all the questions Alex circled. "I just have a lot on my mind right now."
Alex smiles at him half-heartedly. "Well I know you know the information, it's just a matter of getting the right answer." He thinks for a moment. "How about a little incentive."
Jack raises an eyebrow. "Incentive?"
"If you get every question right, I'll kiss you."
Jack turns a bit pink. "What?"
"You heard me."
"That's the least romantic first kiss ever."
"Well then we'll just have to make sure our first time sleeping together is much better."
"We've slept together like forty six times!"
Alex laughs, blushing a little has he does so. "No, Jack, I mean like..." he looks around the room to make sure no one's listening, "I mean sex, Jack."

Jack turns a dark shade of scarlet as he nods slowly. Then he turns back to his math homework.

Alex watches carefully over his shoulder, watching as Jack answers question after question. Then he takes the finished worksheet and smiles.

"You missed one."
Alex laughs again. "Just kidding." Then he grabs Jack by the collar of his shirt and presses their lips together before immediately pulling away.

They both stare at each other for a while, neither really sure what to say or do. They're both blushing deeply as they sit frozen in place, just staring.
Until Alex gets the courage to do it again.

With their lips pressed together, Alex runs a hand through Jack's hair and then grasps onto it. He uses his other hand to hold onto Jack's shoulder, steadying himself as he moves to sit onJack's lap.
Jack wraps his arms around Alex and grips the fabric of his shirt for extra security.

Alex pulls on Jack's hair a bit, eliciting a gasp from Jack. He takes that as an opportunity to trail kisses along Jack's jawline, all the way down to Jack's collarbone where he starts sucking on the skin.

Jack can't help but moan softly as Alex does this, nor can he help the small problem in his pants.
Alex pulls away suddenly. "A little excited are we?" He mutters, pressing his lips against Jack's once more. Then he pulls back again and steps away from Jack. "But you've got homework."
"What? But-"
"If you don't pass your classes you don't move on to senior year and wouldn't that just be horrible."
Jack grumbles to himself, shifting around uncomfortable in his chair. "You're a dick."
"I know."

Three weeks pass and Jack's learned that tricking Alex into adding incentives and prizes to perfect homework scores results in things like strip games and heated make out sessions.

Alex said if Jack aces all his tests he'll get something a little extra and Jack is really hoping for sex.
But then there's still the thought of prom. The date is inching closer and Alex still hasn't said anything. Jack is starting to wonder if Alex is waiting for finals to be over.
He really hopesAlex isn't going to ask him during finals week, that would really through Jack off.

But finals week rolls around and still Alex hasn't asked. This sucks.

Pretty soon finals are up and it's the weekend. Grades will be up Monday night and prom is that Saturday.
If Alex doesn't ask soon...

Jack shrugs off his anxiety. Alex shouldn't have to ask. They've been engaged since birth. They are going to prom together.... right?

The weekend goes by and still Alex says nothing.

Monday is when grades are posted and Jack got an A on every final except his English test which he got a B+ on.

He shows Alex his report card and grins.
Alex smiles at him. "I knew you could do it." Then he grabs Jack's hand. "Zack's going to be gone tonight on a field trip with his dad. You wouldn't want to come to my dorm after dinner, would you?"
Jack tries to ignore the heat rushing to his face. "Yeah. Yeah that sounds cool."
"Awesome! I have to clean up a little. I'll see you at dinner, 'kay?"
"Okay," Jack says as he watches Alex leave.

Rian walks in shortly after. He freezes when he sees Jack face still bright red. Then he looks at the now closed door and back at Jack. "Did you two-"
"No, Rian!"


Dinner seems to drag on as both he and Alex are quiet for most of it. Zack already left and Rian went to sit with other friends because there's no way he's third wheeling again.

Jack and Alex finish eating pretty much as soon as possible and then head up to Alex's dorm.

They start basically as soon as the door is closed.
Alex crashes their lips together seconds before Jack pushes him up against the wall. Alex is already kicking off his own shoes while he tries to unbutton Jack's shirt.
Jack is working on Alex's pants while he too attempts to kick off his shoes.
Pretty soon their declothed and uhhhhhhh doing

Some stuff
Hey there's children reading
Hey guys maybe you shouldn't

They finish up soon enough and spend a while just cuddling.
That's when Alex finally asks the question Jack's been dying to hear. "So," he asks, "do you want to go to prom?"
Jack laughs under his breath and then kisses Alex on the forehead. "Of course."

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