Off to See the Giant

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Zack doesn't need convincing to go on an epic journey, but his dad needs some convincing to let his son go on an epic journey.
Moral of the story? Don't get into arguments with giants. It is the last mistake you'll ever make.

Luckily, Zack's dad didn't kill anyone and Zack was allowed to join the group.

The five of them, Alex, Rian, Avril, Hayley, and Zack, march out of wonderland with ease.

The new issue? There's wanted posters of Alex all over town. Of course there are.

They make their way into the forest where they hide in the bushes.
Avril opens her backpack and starts pulling things out.

A pogo stick, a live chicken, a chess board, a picnic basket, a bicycle, and finally, a makeup kit.

She covers Alex's face in foundation then totally changes up his facial structure with contour and finally smudges thick eyeliner into Alex's otherwise perfect makeup.

Still not quite happy with the look, she looks at Hayley. "Pink," is all she says.
Hayley nods, opens her own backpack, pulls out several bottles of magic hair dye, a live rabbit, and then more hair dye.

She hands Avril the pink dye.

Avril paints the dye quickly and messily into Alex's hair, covering only the fringe.

"Perfect!" Avril exclaims. "Now, do any of you know how to ride a bike?"

Five people on a bike doesn't work so they had to decide who would be most helpful.
First Zack because he's the strongest, then Avril because they have to remove the makeup before Alex can kiss Jack and she has the makeup remover.
And then finally, Alex. For obvious reasons.

Hayley and Rian end up walking toward the castle because they can't stay in the woods, that's how people start to think you're turning into a villain.

Three people on a bike isn't exactly safe though.
They need to go really fast to keep their balance and they cant break or they'll slow themselves down by way too long.
It's a hilarious sight to see two wonderlandians and a strong man riding a sparkly pink bike with black ribbons on the handles, but hey, there's also a criminal prince in wonderland cosplay. Haters gonna hate.

They do, however, crash into the gates of the place, which knocks them all off the bike and onto the cobblestone floor.

Alex is the first to rush to his feet. He turns to see guards running at them from either side. This is bad. This is very, very bad.

Luckily, Zack is a fast thinker. He grows taller than the castle walls, lifts Avril and Alex over the wall, then jumps to the other side.

The ground shakes violently as the earth beneath Zack's giant feet displace into swimming pool size holes in the ground.

"I don't know where he is!" Alex calls up to Zack. "Avril and I are going in! Look in the tower windows and text me his location, okay?"

Alex takes Avril's hand and pulls her into the castle through the door to the kitchens.
"Got any weapons in that backpack?"
Avril's face lights up. "Need a mace? Or a sword? You look like a sword guy." As she runs, Avril digs through her backpack, tossing various random objects behind her including an acoustic guitar, a helmet, lots of hair extensions, another live chicken, and a beanie. She pulls out a long sword and hands it to Alex, then pulls out a crossbow and a skateboard which she holds onto.

Avril shoots at anyone who gets too close until Alex finally gets a text from Zack.

"Middle of the orchard. No door to get in though. Just one barred window at the top."

Alec knows exactly which tower Zack is talking about.
The only entrance is through the catacombs.

"Avril, we need Hayley here ASAP."
"The queen of hearts has a thing for mazes, right?"
"Yeah, she has a perfect sense of direction." Avril seems confused as she recalls this information. "Why?"
"Did Hayley inherit that gift like I think she did? Because if we're getting to Zack we need to get through the catacombs and fast."

Hayley nods curtly and then pulls out her phone, she calls Hayley. "How close are you guys."
"Not too far. Why? Are you guys okay?"
"There's a maze before we can reach Alex's boy toy-"
"Fiancé!" Alex hisses.
"Whatever. We need you here so you can get us through."
The other line is silent. Then, "Rian thinks he has an idea. If it works out we'll be there in two minutes. Meet us at the castle gates."
Alex shakes his head. "We'll get caught."
Avril sets the skateboard in the ground and grins. "I'll distract em and get em off your trail. You just go save ur boyfriend."

They travel together until they run into a hoard of guards. Then Avril takes off down one hallway while Alex runs down the other, toward the front gates.


Gray. That's all Jack can see or even think. It's like he's the only person in color here and everything else is black and white.

Outside, only dead apple trees can be seen for miles, some of them bear fruit that bursts into flames when it hits the ground.

He can't sleep, lord knows he's tried. He's slowly going mad here, stuck in some psychotic sort of limbo.

His mind is foggy. He barely remembers who he is or why he's here. The silence is eating away at his memory. All he really remembers  his someone's face. A boy. A young man.

He has brown hair and the brightest smile Jack has ever seen. Asymmetrical fringe covers one eye just barely, but the man's large brown eyes are so full of life.
Jack remembers that face almost as clearly as he remembers his own, but the name escapes him. He knows it's someone important, but he isn't quite sure why.

His mind is slowly fading, and with that, his will fade too.

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