Chapter 2

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"Hello," Said all three judges.

"Hi," I smiled and waved enthusiastically.

"Hi Lucie, how are you today?" Asked Simon.

"I'm just fine thanks, and how are you three?"

"We're fine as well, what will you be singing?" Cheryl asked.

"I will be singing Obsessed by Miley Cyrus if that is okay?"

"That is fine, ready when you are." Said Louis.

I heard the music start playing and a couple seconds later I started singing. I really got into it. It was like no one was there. Just me. I sang my heart out and when the song ended I opened my eyes and saw everyone standing up and clapping. All three judges were on their feet clapping for me. I smiled a really big smiled and bowed. "Thank you," I said.

"Wow! I don't even know where to start, Lucie. That was incredible! Where did you learn to sing like that?" Louis asked.

"Well my mum was always working and my dad left when I was about 7 years old and it really hurt being sorta alone I guess you could say so I started singing about my feelings."

"Well, I guess the pain did something good for you sweetie. I'm sorry about your dad by the way." Cheryl stated while smiling at me with sympathy.

"Words can't express how amazing your performance was. Let's get to voting shall we?" asked Simon.

I nodded.

"Yes." said Louis with a smile.

"Absolutely!" said Cheryl.

There was a long pause. I crossed my fingers and looked over to my mum who was crying and Alyssa who was jumping up and down.

"100 percent yes, congratulations Lucie!" said Simon.

I jumped up with delight and said thank you and strutted off the stage. Everyone was clapping and when I exited the stage everyone backstage came rushing towards me.

I heard many "Good jobs!" and "You did amazing!" and "Congratulations!".

I just hugged everyone and said "Thank you."

Before I left I was handed a packet about what I should do next. I read it with Alyssa in the car on the way home. I was to go home and pack. My audition was going to be aired tomorrow and I had to fly out to bootcamp in a week. I knew leaving was going to part of this but when I saw for how long I was shocked. I was going to be gone for 6 months. Alyssa and I exchanged sad looks but then Alyssa said, "Well, I guess it's for the best. Let's Skype every night and talk on the phone before each of your performances. Every other weekend I'll go out there to see you. Got it?"

"Got it." I smiled. We did our handshake and held pinkies. Holding eachothers pinkies was a thing we did ever since we were in 6th grade. I dunno why we do it, we just do. My mum dropped Alyssa off at her house. When we arrived home I went to go upstairs.

"Lucie," my mum said, "I'm really proud of you."

I just smiled and went upstairs. I only had one suitcase and only a couple outfits. The suitcase wasn't even all the way filled. I put the suitcase away in my closet and layed down to go to sleep. That night was the best night of my life. I slept in that day. My mum drove me to school late. Everyone was chattering about who was going to watch the X Factor that night. No one knew I was auditioning for it. They were in for one hell of a surprise!

School was long, even though I missed 2 hours of it. When I got home there was 2 hours until the X-Factor started. I did my homework and then Skyped with Alyssa. We talked until it was time for the X Factor to come on. We ended our call and I went downstairs to the TV. I turned it on and watched several people perform. Then it got to me. It was weird knowing that all my friends were about to watch me but, it also felt kind of good. I watched my performance and I started to cry of happiness. After my performance I shut off the television and went to the computer. I logged onto Facebook and had about 100 notifications. They were all from my friends congratulating me. I felt special. I logged onto my Twitter and I gained 2,000 followers. It was awesome. I already started gaining fans because my mentions were exploding!

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