Chapter 7

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These next couple chapters are going to be a bit shorter. Sorry but I hope you like them! xx


I woke up pretty early. I looked around and Alyssa was gone. I got up slightly confused. I changed into a pair of white shorts and a navy blue jumper. As I walked into the bathroom I saw a note stuck onto the mirror.

"Lucie, I'm going out with Niall for the day. Hope you don't mind! xx -Alyssa"

Oh great. Alone for the day. I already knew Liam was out with his grandparents today so I called Zayn and asked if he wanted to hang out. He said he was with Harry and Skye but if I wanted to tag along I could. I stayed in what I was wearing and then applied a coat of mascara. Liam bought me a perfume that smells AMAZING! It's called "Bonjour My Love". I sprayed some of that and then headed out of the door to Zayn's room.

I walked into the room and saw Zayn, Harry, and Skye just laying around the room.

"Wow, this looks like a great time." I said sarcastically, grabbing the bag of cheese puffs, smiling.

"Like you can find something better to do," Harry smirked.

"Well," I grinned looking them all in the eyes, "I have one idea."


"Ouch!" I shrieked as Zayn and Harry pelted me and Skye with paintballs. I laughed it off and hid behind a giant log. I loaded my gun and ran out as fast as I can. I shot Harry in the chest twice, and Zayn in the face once. Skye and I sat behind a giant tree waiting for Harry and Zayn to find us.

"They'll never find us here," I laughed, looking left and right frequently.

Skye smiled, "Yeah, we'll be here for days knowing Harry is the one looking."

"What's with you and Harry anyways? Like, are you two a couple, or?"

She blushed, "I don't know exactly. We've been friends a long time and Harry flirts a lot. I guess I do flirt back and one time we kissed. It was weird and we really didn't talk about it. Honestly, I really like him. But I don't know if he feels the same way."

"Do you want me to talk to Harry for you?"

"No no no! It's fine, I just wanna see where it leads up to myself. I don't want to ruin anything with him."

"Ruin anything with who?" Harry asks, jumping out in front of us with his gun pointed at mine and Skye's face.

"Oh, uh, no one." Skye stammered. She then got up and ran away.

Harry held out his hand, offering to help me up, "What was that about?"

I took his hand, "Nothing, just some boy stuff."

"Does she like someone?"

"No one you know." I said smiling.

He sighed, "Alright, we better go catch up with Zayn and Skye."

We then met up with Zayn and Skye and we had about 10 minutes left. We just messed around with eachother, and spilled the rest of our paint balls onto the ground and just jumped on them, watching the paint splatter everywhere. We looked like human rainbows! Everytime I turned my head though, I noticed Zayn looking at me. He would smile and just look away and then continue what he was doing before. It was weird.

The paint ball instructor then came out and told us it was time to pack up and leave. We all removed out suits and hung them up. Then we laid our guns down and paid for the round. After paying, we all got into the car and headed home.

"I had a really great time," Skye smiled, "I don't know about you guys though."

"I did!" the 3 of us echoed back.

We all sang songs loudly in the car while dancing all crazy. It was such a blast. When we arrived to the house I asked Skye if she wanted to spend the night in my room.

"Nah I'm going home."

"When are you coming back?" I asked. Skye was actually really cool, I wanted to get to know her better.

"I don't know. Whenever Harry has time." she shrugged.

"Well, here's my number. Text me sometime!" I handed her a slip with my number on it and she happily took it.

She then got into a cab and headed to the airport. Harry waved goodbye and didn't stop until she was around the corner.

"She's gone dude." I laughed and he cheekily grinned while playfully punching my shoulder. He went to his room and before I could go to my room Zayn walked up to me.

"I had a really fun time tonight with you," Zayn said smiling at me.

"Yeah, it was great. But I have to go now. Bye!" I went to turn around and go to my room finally but he held my arm and pulled me back. Things were getting awkward.

He then held my hand, "Lucie, I really like you and-" but before he could finish I interuppted.

"Zayn," I yanked my hand out of his grasp, "You're a really cool, nice, and cute guy, but I'm with Liam."

"Yeah, I know, it's just I can be a much better boyfriend then Liam can be." He looked down, "I don't get what everybody sees in him anyways. I just see a Bieber twin but with an English accent. He's my best friend, but I think I deserve you. You know, he had a girlfriend right before all of this. I didn't have a girlfriend at all. I was actually bullied a lot back in Bradford. No one liked me. I had like 3 friends. Now, I find someone I really enjoy spending time with and of course, I can't have her." He starting tearing up, "Lucie just... just" he stammered, "Just think about it. Ok?"

I didn't know what to say, so I just said ok. He hugged me for about a minute or two and then let me go back to my room. I sat on my bed trying to comprehend what just happened. Then Cher came to the rescue.

"What's going on hun? You look confused." she said, sitting next to me.

I shrugged, "Zayn just told me he likes me. He wants me to consider dating him. But, I think I'm in love with Liam. I can't just break up with him because Zayn thinks he likes me more than Liam does."

"Well Lucie, who do you like being around more, Liam or Zayn?" Cher looked at me concerned.

"To be honest, I love spending time with Liam because he is so romantic and cute but I like spending time with Zayn too because he is really fun and willing to do alot." I was in such a pickle. Then, the best of the best walked into the room. Alyssa.

I told her about everything that happened with Zayn and she couldn't believe it. "Ok, text Zayn and plan a day to hang out with him. Then, plan a day to hangout out with Liam. Compare the two days and the two guys and from there, pick who you like better."

"That's the problem, Alyssa. I don't like Zayn like that! I like him as a friend. I love Liam. And Liam only." I put my head into my pillow and screamed.

Alyssa rolled her eyes, "Just give him a chance."

"Whatever, and by the way, your lipstick is smeared." I winked at her while her face turned bright red. I'm guessing her and Niall had a great night. As I layed down to sleep, I thought about giving Zayn a chance. But I just couldn't do that to Liam. It wasn't fair.

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