Chapter 13

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*2 weeks later*

"You have fully regained your ability to walk! How do you feel?" I walked back and forth and jumped once.

I smiled at Anya, "I feel great!" I turned to the boys who were all there supporting me and they all gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and turned back to Anya.

"Just take these pain meds in case your legs start to hurt again. Otherwise everything seems okay. Congrats!" She clapped and handed me a bottle of pain medications.

I ran up to the boys who clapped and cheered. Liam picked me up and twirled me around, ending the dramatic moment with a kiss on the nose. I giggled and gave each of the other boys a hug. I walked out of building holding Liam's hand. His hand is so large, but it's comfortable.

"How about we celebrate at Nandos?" Niall suggested, getting excited for food.

We all agreed yes and went there for lunch.

"I think we should discuss our summer plans." Liam said, "Where are we going to stay and how much are we willing to spend. We only have a week until it's time. Any ideas?"

"Let's rent out 2 flats. Alyssa, Liam, Niall, and Lucie can stay in one and me, Harry, and Zayn can stay in another." Louis suggested.

"Or, we can rent out one huge penthouse and all live in that!" Zayn said smiling at his idea.

"I like Zayn's idea!" I said.

"All in favor of Zayn's idea, raise your hand." Liam said. Everyone raised their hand. "Penthouse it is!"


I packed up my things a week earlier because we are going straight to the penthouse after X-Factor ends. I left out a couple of outfits for the remaining 5 days but that was all. It was 15:00 so I asked all the contestants if they wanted to throw a house party.

We put up lights and blasted music. The chef had her workers prepare some burgers and hot dogs and everyone munched on those. Everyone was having a great time!

Rebecca walked up to me, pumping her fist in the air, "Wanna dance, girl?" I shrugged and looked at Liam.

He smiled, "You two ladies can dance for a while. I'll be over getting some refreshments." He then nodded and walked away.

"Let's dance chica!" I said jumping up and down.

"So," Rebecca started, "you and Liam. How are you two? Are things pretty serious?"

"Yeah, we are definitely getting really serious. I mean, we've been serious but we're like inseperable and everything. I really feel there's something special between us."

"Didn't you have a thing with Zayn?"

"No, he's been into me and has even kissed me before. The feeling just isn't mutual, you know?"

"I just don't understand why he would cheat on me like he did." Rebecca sighed.

I stopped dancing, "What do you mean?"

"Zayn and I were dating for a month or two. My kids loved him. But when I found out what was going on between you two, my heart shattered. My kids were upset as well. That was the end of us. But, I'm glad because now I've found another guy. Someone who isn't only 16!"

It took me time to process all of the things I was hearing. I looked up at her with a confused look, "I can't believe he did that to you. I thought he was starting to change alot but this whole time he was lying. I'm really sorry for what he did to you. And congrats on finding a new guy! I have to go." I then took off to find Liam.

"Liam! Did you know about Zayn and Rebecca?"

He put his glass down, "No, what?"

"They were dating. Like in a relationship."

"Like, me and you relationship?"

"Yes! Isn't that terrible of him to cheat on Rebecca?"

Liam made an ishy face, "Eh, I mean the boy is 16. She's 24. It was only a matter of time before he-"

"Liam, just stop. Do you think I should talk to Zayn about it or not?"

"Uhm, in my opinion, no. Just leave the guy alone. He's finally getting over you sort of, if bring everything back up it'll just make it all worse. Leave it be, babe."

I sighed, "Kay." Liam then kissed my forehead and rubbed my shoulder. I had a feeling that I should talk to Zayn about this even though Liam told me not to.

After about 6 hours of partying everyone went back to their rooms and went off to bed. Liam and I stayed behind to clean up the mess that was made.

"Thanks for helping me out," I said.

He shrugged, "It was no big deal. I just wanted to make it easier for you. I don't want anything else happening to your legs. Sorry for being protective."

I walked over and hugged him so tight, for maybe 10 minutes. His hands were firmly around my waist and my face was in his chest. "I love how much you care about me. No one has ever cared for me this much. Not even my own mother."

He looked me in the eye, "I will always care about you, no matter what happens. I love you." He kissed my forehead and pulled me in for another great hug.


There is only one more chapter left! Ah! Who's excited? Who's sad? I don't know, lol. Leave a comment???? Tell me your thoughts asdfjkl;

~Queen1D (Alyssa)

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