Chapter 5

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That episode was aired the next day and my phone was blowing up with texts from my friends. I was never this popular at school. The only person that would text me was Alyssa. Now everyone is acting like we are best friends. People are so confusing. Well I checked my fan page on Facebook, 1 million likes! I never expected to have so much! I smiled for the rest of the day because of that.

I texted Liam the news about my fan page.

To Liam:

Babe, I have 1 million likes on my Facebook page! :D Anyways, have you and the boys came up with a band name? x

From Liam:

Congrats!! <3 And yes we have. One Direction. It's not the best but, it'll do. (:

To Liam:

 One Direction. I actually like it! Harry is smarter than he seems! (; xx Don't tell him I said..

From Liam:

I won't, it'll be our little secret <3

I smiled and set my phone down. I was receiving another pay check today and I wanted to do something special with the money. I was getting paid a lot more than before so I had a lot more choices of what I could do. It then hit me. I was going to buy a house for my mum!

I went into my new room, located in "The House", and went on my laptop. I searched for 3 bedroom houses and a ton came up. After about 45 minutes of searching I found the perfect house.

It was made of fresh red brick with yellow and purple flowers lining the side of the house. Hedges lined the front porch and stopped where the staircase ended. The door was blue and inside hung a diamond chandelier. The floor was wood until it reached the kitchen which had beige tiles. The marble counter tops really brought out the blue in the wallpaper. My mom was going to love this house!

I scheduled a meeting with the real estate agent for a week from today. I put the money away for the house and looked at what I had left from my check. Two thousand dollars. I decided to buy my sister Morgan, a cell phone. I bought her an Android, like Alyssa wanted me to get, and I sent it to her in the mail.

Two days later I got a call from my sister Morgan screaming because she was so happy. She apologized for everything she has ever done to me but I just told her "You're welcome." and hung up because I knew her attitude would change after a couple of weeks.

I took a shower and layed down on my bed. My phone started to ring. I picked it up and looked. A picture of Liam showed up with his name under it. Oh shoot. I forgot I had dinner plans with Liam! I quickly answered my phone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry babe! I forgot about our plans! I'll get ready now and let's meet outside of warm up room A11, okay?"

"Alright, hurry up though. Our reservations were scheduled for right now! Love you, bye."

I hung up the phone and rushed to the bathroom. I put my hair into a side ponytail and put a think layer of eyeliner on followed by mascara. I put on my 'Petal Pink' lip gloss and threw on some silver hoop earring. I put on a floral skirt and a white tank. I put on white flip flops and then grabbed my purse and ran out of the door to the warm up rooms.

When I turned down the hallway I noticed that Liam was dressed in a tux.

"Are we going to a fancy restaurant?" I asked in confusion.

He looked at me with a confused face, "Yes, I thought I told you we were? Well, get in the car. We'll stop at a dress store along the way and pick you up something different to wear."

I agreed and we proceeded to get into the car. After about 10 minutes of driving I said, "I hope you aren't mad at me for this."

He stopped the car, "Lucie, I'm not mad at you. People forget sometimes. Now think about the positive things, like what kind of dress you want when we get to the store." He leaned over and kissed me and then began to drive again.

In my head I pictured a white dress dress that would end right about my knees. It had pink floral designs along the bottom. Whenever I twirled, it would twirl with me.

When we arrived at the store I found a dress EXACTLY like I had imagined! I rushed over to it and found my size. I held it up to Liam and he giggled a bit and brought it out to check out. I changed in the bathroom and ran out to the car. Liam drove to the restaurant and the waiter said "Mr. Payne, Miss Starr, we've been expecting you."

He then led us to a table for two in a separate room. Above our table hung a chandelier. It was beautiful. We sat down across from each other smiling like two little kids. The waiter brought over our menus.

We looked through them quietly. I decided to have chicken Parmesan.

"May I take your orders?" the waiter asked.

Liam nodded, "I'll have the Tour of Italy and she will have," he glanced over at me.

"Chicken Parmesan." I smiled.

"Chicken Parmesan," Liam repeated, "Thank you!"

The waiter nodded  and walked away to get our orders.

"I'm so glad I can spend tonight with you Lucie. You are literally my everything." Liam said playing with my fingers from across the table.

I blushed, "I'm glad to be here with you too. Liam, I love you."

"I love you too." We both then leaned across the table and pecked each other on the lips.

10 minutes passed of just goofing around and chatting until the waiter came with our orders. "Tour of Italy for the sir and chicken Parmesan for the lady! Enjoy!"

We both ate and discussed the X-Factor. We pretty much had everything planned out. After dinner we went back to the house. We kissed each other goodnight and headed out our separate ways.

I went into the bathroom and wiped all my makeup off. I cleansed my face and looked at my reflection. I was a different person. I felt more..... confident. I turned the lights out and went to bed feeling happier than I have ever been in a long time.

When I woke up, it was 1 pm! I woke up late! I went to the bathroom and got my period. Damn. I hate this time of the month. I headed out of the bathroom and into my room and dressed into some comfy sweats. I heard a knock on my door and in came Liam holding a rose.

"A flower for my lady!" said Liam, handing me the rose.

"Aw, that's so sweet! Thank you babe!" I said with my mouth wide open. He was officially the best boyfriend ever.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asked up and ready to have some fun.

I looked around, "I kinda wanted to just hang out here. It's kinda that time of the month for me. I don't feel like doing anything."

Liam sighed but then a smile crept onto his face. "I'll be right back. Wait here!" He then dashed out of my room. I just layed on bed waiting for him to come back.

After about 15 minutes he came in with a box of tampons, a bowl of popcorn, and 3 movies. He popped in 'Finding Nemo' and we both cuddled on my bed eating popcorn. After that movie, we watched 'Toy Story' and then 'Titanic'. By the end of Titanic we were asleep in eachothers arms. We slept through the whole night together. I felt protected. And loved.


I'm going to update tomorrow! So don't stop reading! c: Thanks to all my readers and I hope you enjoy the story so far! Love you <333

Live While We're YoungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora