Chapter 11

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"Zayn, what are you doing here?" I whispered tugging on his sleeve.

He turned around, gasping. "Phew, you were gone. I thought you killed yourself for a second or something and that's why you weren't answering. Gave me a bloody heart attack!"

"Uhm, ok? Now answer my question. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

"I came to give you these," he then handed me the bouquet of flowers and smiled, "Wanna go out for dinner?"

"Thanks for the flowers. That's so sweet but I can't take them." I gave them back and tried to say what I was thinking without sounding like a total jerk, "I don't like you like that Zayn. I love Liam. And only Liam. You have to stop all of this because it's making me feel guilty even though I'm not doing anything. Just please find another girl."

"But Lucie-" his chocolate brown eyes softned.

"Shh. No more Zayn." I pushed him aside and wheeled into my room, closing the door behind me, and locking it. I heard a sigh from the other side and something hit the floor. A couple seconds later, I only heard the sound of footsteps running, getting fainter. Poor guy, I didn't mean to hurt him.

I dressed myself as best I could into my pajamas and let my hair down. I think I'm ready for bed. Cher was already sleeping so I had to figure out a way to get into bed by myself. I tried holding onto the top and swinging in but that resulted with me on the floor and a small cut on my head. Ouch! Well, I'm pretty much stuck here for the night. Great.


I woke up, feeling comfy and warm. I looked over and saw Liam holding me in his arms, sound asleep. I turned my head the other direction and noticed that I was in my bed. How did I get here? I looked at the clock, 11:24. Liam must've come in earlier this morning and put me in bed. He's so cute.

"Liam," I whispered, shaking him a little. "Liam, wake up."

"What happened babe?" He said blinking over and over again, trying to gain some sight.

"Nothing, it's time to get up, and I have to talk about something with you."

"Alright, give me a minute."

"Ok," I kissed him on the cheek and snuggled back up with him. 5 minutes passed and then Liam let out a big groan.

"Kay babe, I'm up. What do you wanna talk about?"

I sighed, "Well, it's about Zayn." He tried looking me in the eyes but I kept looking away because for some reason, I felt almost...guilty. "He's been trying to get with me. He tried convincing me to break up with you for him and he's making things pretty weird. Louis said he'll try to talk to him but I don't think anyone can get him to stop."

"That explains the random flowers outside of your door the, huh?"

"Yeah, he showed up, ready to take me out for dinner but I said no and went inside. I think you need to talk to him."

Liam sat up, "Thank you for not cheating on me like my last girlfriend. You're honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me. Don't let someone else get in the way, ok? I understand why Zayn likes you so much, you're irresistible. But I will talk to him. Show him who's boss if that makes you feel better?" He kissed my nose and smiled. He's such a cheeky chap. I nodded in agreement and he got up.

"Erm, can you put me in my chair?" I blushed, embarrassed that I now need help out of bed.

He simply picked me up like I was a feather and set me in my chair. "By the way, what's with that scratch on your face? Is it from the accident?"

"No, it's from last night. I tried getting myself into bed but as you saw, that didn't work out too well."

"I have an idea. How about every night I come sleep with you? My room is a bit crowded, the boys could use some space."

"That sounds alright, I'll have to ask Cher later on if it's alright if you stay though."

"Sounds good. I'm going to go to breakfast now. Want to come with?"

I shook my head, "Nah, I'll stay here. I need to take a shower and stuff, you go on."

"Want me to bring you something back?"

"No thanks babe, I'm not hungry."

He shrugged, "Suit yourself."

He left and then I glanced into the bathroom, looking at the shower which was mocking me. How was I going to shower in a wheel chair? This is going to be interesting.

I wheeled myself into the bathroom, setting my phone next to the shower in case anything happened. I undressed myself and turned the shower on. Next step, getting in. I lifted one leg up and set it in and then did the same to the other. I then lowered myself in, sitting on the floor. Huh, wasn't as hard as I thought it was.

After about 20 minutes I turned off the shower and looked up at the edge of the tub. The same thought has been running through my mind since the crash, why me? I tried turning myself as best I could with my back facing the bathroom. I put my hands on the edge and started pushing up, hoping the rest of my body would be perched on the edge so I can turn around and get into my chair. I slid around, using my hands the sink and everything worked out. I'm pretty sure I lost 20 pounds with all that work.

I looked at my phone and noticed that it was time for dance class. How was I going to do this? I got dressed into my sweats and went to class alone. When I got there, everyone was already starting their stretches.

The dance instructor hurried up to me, "You can just sit to the side my dear. I'm sorry for what happened. It's a shame since you were an amazing dancer."

I nodded and wheeled to the nearest corner. From there I observed everyone. Liam caught my eye and he winked at me. I smiled back and continued looking from person to person. I felt like someone was missing. I looked around one more time until I found out who it was. Zayn. Poor guy, I hope he realizes he can't skip class everyday.

I wheeled out of the room, giving the instructor a sign that I was leaving before doing so. I need to find Zayn and get his butt to class.

I went to the boys room to find Zayn laying in bed. "Uhm, why aren't you in class?" I asked.

"I'm, uh, sick." he said.

"No you're not. You look fine. You sound fine. Get up, I'm taking you to class."

He groaned, "I don't want to go Lucie. You can't make me."

I had to raise his self esteem. Me not wanting to date him already lowered it enough. "Okay, let's make a deal. If you go to class right now, and participate. I will go out to dinner with you tonight."

He sat up, "Just us two?"

"Just us two."

"Okay, I'll go."

I smiled and wheeled my way back to class. Everyone turned to look at me and I just waved hello. I went back to my corner, waiting for Zayn to enter.

About 10 minutes passed and he hasn't came. Did he really blow it all off? Oh well, his loss.

That's when he came walking in, dressed in a dance suit. He stood in his spot and began dancing with the rest of the class. I was impressed, he was actually with the beat! At the end of the song he looked at me and held up a thumbs up. I did it back. Zayn has actually come a long way with dancing from when I last danced with him a week or two ago.

I survived sleeping, showering, and dance class today. Now I just had to survive dinner with Zayn tonight. Oh great.

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