Chapter 6

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When I woke up two beautiful, brown eyes were staring at me. A smile spread across Liam's face and he whispered, "Yay, Sleeping Beauty is awake!"

I smiled and sat up, "What time is it?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair trying to comb out the tangles.

"Uhm, let me take a look," while he was taking out his phone I got up and walked to the bathroom. "8:03!" he shouted.

"Thank you," I shouted back. I spent about 5 minutes in the bathroom and when I came out Liam was texting as fast as he can. "Is there a problem?"

"Erm, yes. I need to go meet up with the boys. We have to practice every day for 8 hours now. This is outrageous. I'll talk to you later, bye." He then kissed my cheek and headed quickly out the door.

I took a shower and afterwards I heard my Skype ringing. I went over and it was Alyssa.

"HEYYYYYY," we both squealed.

"Alyssa, I miss you!"

"I miss you too, guess what," she warbled.

"Tell me, now, you know I guess guessing games," I replied.

"My mom said I can skip school for a whole week and come to visit you!"

"AHHHHH," I squawked.

"I'm packing my things now! I'll be over tomorrow, I even bought my own ticket because I got a job too!"

"Where do you work?" I asked, curiously.

"A milkshake place called Shakes and Things. It just opened up near my house. I'll bring you a shake! But it might be a little melted by the time I get there," she paused. Then we both erupted into laughter.

"I'm so excited for you to come, I'm going to tell Liam! And, and Niall! OMG YOU AND NIALL TOTALLY HAVE A THING TOGETHER, HE'S TOTALLY GOING TO BE EXCITED WHEN I TELL HIM!"

Alyssa put on a guilty face, "I kinda already told him."

"Before you told me?" I put my head down.

"Well, he just happened to be texting me when my mom told me so I told him first! I'm sorry, I called you right after so don't feel bad. You know I love you." She smiled her innocent smile so I forgave her. "I'm going to get packing so text me or something, bye."

I hung up and closed my laptop. I headed down for breakfast and ate alone. It really gave me time to think. How can I set up Niall and Alyssa? They both like each other. But I know they won't go out without someone making them. I have the perfect plan!

To Liam:

Me. You. Niall. Alyssa. Double date. Tomorrow night. Come and get us from our room at 4.

From Liam:

Okay, why though?

To Liam:

Because I need to find a way for them to go on a date and this is a perfect way. (:

From Liam:

Yeah, he got his phone taken away today during rehearsals because he kept texting her. If they finally go out maybe he'll focus more. Great idea, babe (:

To Liam:

Thanks x

I picked out an outfit for the date tomorrow. I had two options. A one shoulder black dress with black heels or a yellow sundress with white flower flip flops. I'm going to stick with the sundress. I honestly just want to look good for Liam. He means alot to me so I want to look my best for him.

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