Chapter 10

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"...and then he just pulled out his guitar and sang a song he wrote for me!" I explained, trying to tell Alysa every detail.

"So you're saying, he set up a random picnic in the park and then sang you a song about how perfect you are?"

"Yeah, pretty much!"

"Niall just sings Justin Bieber songs to me. Switch boyfriends?"

We both laughed, "No thanks Lyss."

Just then Niall walked in the room, holding a hot dog while singing Baby.

"Speak of the devil." I said grinning at Alyssa.

Niall smiled a half smile and held out his arm, "I believe we were supposed to go to the movies today my lady."

Alyssa pushed his arm down, "Not anymore. I just want to hang out with Lucie on this last day that I'm here. She also might need help too."

He sighed, "Well can I stick around too?"

Alyssa looked over to me waiting for an answer. I turned to Niall and he was giving me the puppy dog face, "Actually, you two can go to the movies. Alyssa, I'll just go with you to the airport."

"Are you sure becau-" but before she could finish Niall took her hand and rushed her out of the room. Yep, I feel the love.

I called Louis, hoping he would maybe want to hang out again. He was very fun to be around, and I didn't want to smother Liam.


"Hi Louis, wanna hang out?"

"Erm, if you're willing to help me babysit cause that's what I'm doing right now."

"Yeah, that'll be fine. I have nothing to do. Where should we meet up?"

"You're in a wheelchair, love. I'll come down and get you."

"Ok, see you soon! Bye."

I threw my phone on the bed and quickly wheeled my way to the bathroom. I french braided my hair to the side and tied it. It came out quite well actually. I was already dressed so I just waited around silently for Louis to arrive.

I heard a knock on my door and in walked Louis holding the cutest baby ever.

"AWWWW, WHO'S BABY IS THAT?!" I squealed holding my hands out, wanting to hold her.

She clapped her hands and laughed and Louis laughed along too. "She is the stylists baby here. Her name is Lux." He handed her to me and I just smiled at her.

"Hi Lux, you're just the cutest baby ever aren't you?" I started making weird noises and that's when Louis took Lux away from me.

"You can save this baby play for my room where we have to watch her. Let's go." He set Lux back onto my lap and started wheeling my out of my room. "There are stairs going up... how is this going to work?"

I sighed, "I'll just go back if you want?"

"No, I know how to do this." He then put Lux onto his shoulders and showed her how to grip onto his jacket. He then scooped me up into his arms and took a deep breath.

Carefully he made his way up the stairs with me in his arms and Lux holding on for her life on his shoulders. "Almost..... there......", He said, with wobbly legs.

After about 10 minutes of walking up the stairs Louis put Lux down and ran me over to his room and set me on his bed. His room was a MESS. I looked around while he ran back out to retrieve Lux. When he came back in I stared at him.

"What's wrong?" he said, sounding confused.

"Your room is a mess!!" I said.

He shook his head, "Well, keep in mind that I also live with 4 other people who are JUST as messy as I am. Don't go thinking I'm a slob because you don't want to use your noggin."

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