Chapter 12

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I knocked on the boys door, wishing for this night to come and go.

"Hey Lucie, I thought I was picking you up?" Zayn looked slightly confused as he grabbed a jacket and closed the door behind him.

"Nah, I figured I'd come and get you instead."

"Alright, I guess that's okay. So, where are we eating?"

"I was thinking Breadstix."

Zayn rubbed his hands together, "Mmm, sounds good!"

I turned away, rolling my eyes, "Great." I don't know why I'm doing this. It's going to make Zayn think I like him. Maybe I should clear all this up. "Zayn, let's clear the air here."

His big brown eyes looked up at me, a desperate look was in his face. "Yes?"

"This isn't a date. It's just two friends going out for dinner. A friendly dinner. Because I'm dating Liam. So that means I go on dates with him. Not you. Got it?"

"Yes, I'm not 5 I think I know the difference between a friendly dinner and a date."

"If so, then why do you have a corsage?"

Zayn looked down, "It was worth a shot," he then took the corsage and tossed it into the bushes.

Breadstix was only 5 minutes away so we walked (and wheeled). As we arrived towards the entrance Zayn ran forward and opened up the door for me. I wheeled in and got the next door myself. I said my last name and the waitress nodded, picking up menus for Zayn and I. She then led us to a table for two in the back. We sat down and thanked the waitress.

"So, Lucie, you look really beautiful tonight." Zayn said, twiddling his thumbs.

"Erm, thanks." I said awkwardly. I kind of felt bad because I was being so rude to him and awkward. This is a friendly dinner. Not an enemy one. "Hey Zayn, sorry for how I've been acting to you. It's totally ignorant of me."

"No, it's not ignorant at all! You just don't want to feel like you're cheating on Liam so you're staying as distant away from me as you can. I understand. I talked to Liam before I came here, he said it's alright we go to dinner as long as I don't try anything." He grinned at me.

I smiled, "Oh, then that's good. Does Niall talk about Alyssa often? She wanted to know."

"Yeah, he does. He's head over heels for her. Constantly talking to her, face timing her, looking at her pictures. He's in love! Actually, he went out to see her yesterday because they missed each other so much." He shrugged and continued looking through his menu.

She's going to be living with me and the boys for 3 months starting in just 3 weeks! Why can't they wait? Honestly, Alyssa has always been weird like that. But it's puppy love, what do you expect? I shook off the thought. "Zayn, why do you like me so much?"

He blushed, "Your bubbly personality. Your beautiful face. Your outstanding voice. You're just so bloody incredible."

I blushed as well, "Back in my hometown, I was bullied a lot. I've only had 1 boyfriend my whole life besides Liam but that relationship only lasted a day or two. You and Liam are the only people who actually find something good about me. You know?"

"No, I don't know. Mostly because around here, everyone loves you. Maybe everyone in your hometown was blind, deaf, and heartless because you are amazing."

"Zayn, I'm sorry that we can't be together because I am happily in a relationship with Liam. But you deserve a girl much better than me. One day you will find your princess. I promise you."

"Erm thanks Lucie. I really am trying to get over you, and I honestly don't think this dinner is helping the process. So I'm just going to go now. Sorry. Bye." He then got up without saying anything else, and he left. I had to process what just happened. I felt kind of rejected but at the same time relieved. I called Liam and asked if he wanted to meet me at Breadstix for dinner. He agreed. I miss him so I guess my night got better.

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