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cuddling with woochan

you invited your best friends chris and woojin over to your house. you needed to vent to them. you just had one of the worst days in the whole history of your life. you can't even describe what events happened to you, the day was so stressful for a person to experience in a single day.

you're laying on your bed, crying your eyes out. you can't seem to slip out any words. they know exactly what to do to calm you down. CUDDLE TIME!!!

they both lay down with you, one on each side, caressing your body softly. woojin rests his head in the crook of your neck and whispers.

"come on y/n, calm down a bit and tell us about your day"

you sniffle a number of times until you are actually able to calm down. you tell them about your horrific day, the mess that nearly gave you whiplash. you just needed someone to listen. you are glad that they came over and did that for you.

they both gave you advice to make the next day and days ahead, better and positive.

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