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jisung // sobbing

the hardest week just ended and you are exhausted. you're sitting up right in your bed when you start bawling out of nowhere, causing your face to get red. right then, your best friend jisung walks in.

you try to wipe the tears away from your crimson face before he can see. but it fails because he asks you a single question.

"are you alright, y/n?"

this 4 word question triggers everything that you tried to hide. you start sobbing once again, jisung rushes over to you and wraps his arms around you. muffled sobs are heard in the silent room, followed by instructions from jisung.

"breathe in for 4 seconds and out for 5 seconds"

you do as he told.

"now in for 5, out for 6"

you do it.

"repeat that until you can breathe normally"

you do that and begin to breathe normally. you sniffle while trying to tell him what had happened but jisung stopped you.

"no no no, please get some rest, we can talk in the morning"

you sniffle once again and closed your eyes. he started singing to you while he leaned back, until you two were laying down. his sweet and soft voice is the last thing you heard before falling asleep

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