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it's beating faster

you and your crush y/b/n are in the same medical class in your freshman year of college. the second unit was to measure heart rate with a stethoscope, easy right? no! the project was to record your partners heart rate. and guess who you got assigned to... Y/B/N.

just the sight of him makes your heart beat, him being up close will make you have a small heart attack. before you know it, it's time for the project. you try your best to calm yourself down.

"do you want to be the patient first?" you ask him with a shaky voice.


you let out a quiet sigh of relief because you had time to steady your heart beat. the project has started, you ask him to sit on the elongated chair as if he was a real life patient. he smiles. HE IS NOT HELPING!!

you smile back at him and begin the process of checking the heart beat. you move a bit of his shirt down to you can set the stethoscope on his skin.

"take a deep breath for me please"

he does as you say, giving you a deep breath. you move the stethoscope around and ask him a few more times.

"you have a healthy and perfectly normal heart rate y/b/n"

he smile and lowers his head.

"why thank you y/n"

you slightly blush at his words.

"switch partners" exclaims the professor.

he asks you to sit on the chair this time and you follow his orders. he moves your shirt to the side and put the cold object on your chest.

'stay calm stay calm stay calm stay calm' you kept repeating to yourself so that he won't notice.

"don't be nervous y/n"

"i'm not nervous" you said with a laugh.

"your heart, it's beating faster"

CRAP! when he said that, you now felt how fast it was beating. 'oh my gosh. i fooled myself 🤡' you said to yourself.

"are you feeling alright y/n?"

he took the stethoscope and moved it to a new place, still hearing your growing heartbeat.

"im fine"

"you sure? your heartbeat is a little fast"

you nod. the professor signals for the project to be over and to turn in your collected data. y/b/n went directly to them and showed them his paper. the professor came up to you and asked if you're alright.

"i'm fine" you repeated

"i know he's a good looking boy, but try to keep it on the low. he actually requested to have you as his partner"

you have a shocked look painted on your face and the professor nodded.

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