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you ignore them

he does this every time. he comes home late and doesn't say hello. so many thoughts run through your head, none of them positive. the thoughts of him just being tired have passed by and left your mind because at the beginning, he said hello to you.

does he not care anymore? does he not love me anymore? or the worst... is he cheating? you start to cry because of the overflowing negative thoughts.

it's currently 2:03am, and the door handle jiggles. you don't wipe your tears away because he is guaranteed to ask you if you're alright. he walks in, completely passes by you and heads to the bathroom. your heart sinks, although you are not surprised.

a weep leaves your mouth and fresh, hot tears form in your eyes. still no y/b/n coming to comfort you. a few minutes go by and you're still crying your eyes out but y/b/n finally noticed that you're in distress.

he comes over to you and tries to hug you but you move away from him. he speaks, interrupting the silence in the room.

"what's wrong?" you hear him say softly.

you simply don't answer him, to give him a taste of his own medicine. you hear him sigh.

"is this because i'm gone all of the time?"

you don't answer and look down at the floor, continuing to let the tears hit your cheek. he moves himself to the ground, placing his body in between your legs. he is now begging.

"come on y/n, please talk to me, i'm worried"

you turn your head away from him, studying the wall. he softly grabs your chin and faces it toward his direction. you still look away from him.

"talk to me y/n" he sniffles.

a tear forms in his eye as well and you decide look at him finally.

"y/n... please, what's wrong?" he says with a quivering lower lip.

you burst out into tears again and you let it all come out. y/b/n immediately took your weak self into his arms. it feels like home to you. you find yourself sinking into his presence and calming down.

he plants a kiss on your cheek before bringing you back up to say once again.

"y/n, you can tell me, what's going on?"

you finally call down enough to tell him.

"it's because you come home and don't pay attention to me... i understand that you work long days, but you don't even say hi or anything"

he frowns and realizes what his actions have done to you. he takes you into another hug.

"i'm so sorry y/n, you know i love you so much" he spoke in a muffled tone.

you nod into his shoulder, letting out more tears because you finally spoke your truth. he understood what he did and how you feel.

"how about we go lay down and watch a movie? i will call in tomorrow, one day won't hurt me, we'll spend the whole day together, i promise" he speaks confidently

you nod again and calm all the way down, now sinking deeper into his personal space. he begins to rub your back to comfort you. you lift yourself up and see that he has dried tears on his red and puffy face. you cup his cheeks with your hands and kiss his lips softly. he kisses back and smiles into the kiss.

"i missed the feeling of your hugs lips but i missed you most of all"

he whispered softly because he knows that when you cry, your ears get sensitive. you smiled, that's what you missed too.

"come on, let's go lay down and watch (your favorite movie)"

when he said that, you eyes lit up. he helped you up from the couch, led you to the bedroom and set up the tv for the movie.

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