Chapter 5

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Both 1-A and 2-A were shocked. Ren and Izuku were in the same colors with similar style suits. But what shocked us most was all the scars they both had. Aizawa stuttered out, “W-what……..Happened to you guys?” She turned around to look at us, we got a clear shot of their costumes. They looked like something a villain would wear.They both had army pants, reinforced steel toe boots, A mask covering their nose and mouth with sharp teeth painted on it, Both in tank-tops but Ren’s only covers her chest and above her belly button, scars covered their arm. Ren even had some on her neck and stomach, she moved her hair out of her face revealing three scars going across her left eye.
“Him training, me torture and training.”, She said. We all felt pity towards her but didn’t show it. Apparently she felt it and yelled out, “Stop pitying me I don’t need it.”

Izuku’s Point of View

Why am I here again? Oh yeah, I’m a spy for some stupid villains, then me and sis are going to America to playt in a band, again, because we lost a bet, again. Ectoplasm starts talking and I’m ignoring it because I’m just gonna blow the building up and escape Because I really don’t want to do this.

“We are doing group fighting. Aizawa grab your group of students while I grab mine then tell them to come to me and I’ll send mine to you and you all can go to the viewing room.” ,Ectoplasm says. Group fighting, I wonder who’s gonna be fighting.

“Alright the problem children I named in class follow them.”,Aizawa said before taking the rest of the class leaving me and four others to go over to Ectoplam’s class.

“We here! Now what?” said Ren. Todoroki looks at her like she just lit a bomb.

“What is wrong with you?! Are you trying to get us killed.”,he said seriously. I got angry.

“What do you think doing to my sister like that?!”,I yell. He looked at me like I was crazy.

“CALM DOWN YOU MORONS OR WE’LL GET IN TROUBLE!!!”, said Tokoyami. They all started fighting while Kacchan walked up to me.

“Deku I thought your last name is ‘Midoriya’.”, he asked. 

“Not anymore.”, I replied.
“Why, why did you change your name?”, he asked concerned. It surprised me. 

“Because I could, now leave me alone Kacchan,” I snarled, not trying to hurt his feelings though.

Kacchan nodded his head in understanding of me not wanting to see him. Then the chosen class 2-A students came up to us. Kiato was one of them, her silver and green tipped hair blew in the wind.

“Alright the first two to fight are Izuku and Akira,” One fo the teachers said on the intercom. 

This will be fun, I thought getting into a fighting position. 

“Start,” Kiato whispered and Akira launched at me. 

I was really confused why was Akira listening to Kiato, but I didn’t think about that at the time. Then I realized that Akira is blind and that she had amazing hearing. Small tapping was heard on the ground, I saw that one of the students with silver hair. I was too focused on the tapping that I was suddenly pinned to the ground face first, with my arm twisted and pulled straight to my back.

I winced in pain. “Akira wins,” Kiato whispered again and Akira got off of me and went back in between Kiato and the kid with silver hair.

Time skip to Ren and Kiato fighting(Ren’s PoV)

I got into the fighting circle and saw Kiato walk in with me. 
I got ready to fight and then I heard go. I copied Iida’s quirk and zoomed behind my sister, but before I could even hit her in the back I felt her duck down and I felt my feet leave the ground. Kiato backed away ready for my next move.

I was angry and didn’t want to be beaten, so I got up and looked at Kiato’s face. It had an evil grin on it and her eyes were pure black with yellow colored circles. To say the truth I was sort of scared, but I didn’t show it. I continued to fight her till I got exhausted that when she flipped me over her back I landed on the ground covered in blood.

Somehow Kiato had a gun and pointed it at my head, my eyes were shocked with fear. Then the teachers came bursting in, Kiato looked up and her eyes changed back to their original silver color. Then Kiato looked at the gun in her hand and dropped it horrified. She started backing away.

“No,.. no no no no,” She started whispering to herself, but she became louder just a bit at the end. “H-how could I forget to take it. I could still pull a fuse.”

The teachers tried to get closer to her but she screamed for them to stay back. Though they kept going toward her.

She pushed her teeth together, but said, “P-please s-stay away. I could h-hurt y-you. I don’t want it to happen again.”

“We have to restrain you Kiato,” Aizawa-Sensei said trying to calm my older sister down.

Kiato bumped into the wall and fell to her knees. “Please, I don’t want to kill again. I don’t want to hurt anyone if I can help it,” Kiato cried and for some reason the whole world went black for a second, and when it cleared Kiato was gone.

Damn I missed my chance to send her to Recovery Girl, I thought, But what did I see in her eyes? My past, but wore? I don't ́know.

Izuku rushed over to me and said, “Are you alright Ren?” 

“I don’t know Izuku,” I managed. “Let’s just get me to Recovery Girl.”

Kiato’s PoV

I can’t believe it happened again, I thought fearfully.

“What is happening to me? I don’t want this to happen. I don’t want to be depressed” I whimpered to myself. I wanted all of this pain to stop, I wish my mom was here to help me get through this. 


“Kiato, I want to tell you something,” My mother called for me. I went over to her, we were alone at the time.

“Yes mother,” I squeaked. 

“When your older you will go through something very difficult. But I may not be there to help you,” Mother said.

“But I’m sure you will be ok,” I reassured her. “I will always protect you.”
“You are very sweet, pumpkin. But you must be ready if I’m not, ok?” My mother responded to me. 

“Ok,” I quickly said. 

*End of Flashback*

“She explained everything to me,” I told myself. “Everything, and I couldn’t do it, I just couldn’t.”

I was hiding in the basement of my old house. I ran away from U.A. so I wouldn’t hurt anyone else, not that they cared or anything. My phone was blowing up from messages from Kai, and Katsuki, but I ignored them.

Finally I got tired of hearing the annoying noise. So I checked the messages, the ones from Katsuki were threats that he’d kill me if I hurt another person, and the ones from Kai hurt the most. She had ended our friendship, because I almost killed Ren. I cried and cried all night. I just wanted to died, commit suicide, something, but I could´t.

I just couldn’t.

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