Chapter 13

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“Hey?! Can we watch TV?!” Katsuki yelled from next to me.
“Sure for all that I can!” Was the answer, we all sat on the couch, and turned the TV on. We started to watch the news, when something interesting came on.
“Our news for today is urgent and important for you to listen too,” The new lady said hurriedly. “All Might is missing! As well as the villain All for One! Please be aware and stay inside. Don’t-” the TV then staticed out. 
“W-What was t-that about?” Izuku stuttered.
“I’m wondering the same Izu,” Katsuki said holding Izuku close to him.
The TV then came back on, showing All Might and All for One all beaten up and covered in blood. We all gasped at the sight, and Bjorn did too as he came into the room.
Music started to play in the background:
Long Long time ago,
I had my own little show.
Was a beautiful,
But he took the spotlight, shining so bright.
Left me to fade away.
But honey now the turn is mine!
(Kiato came into view in front of the camera)
A devil made from heaven.
Sent from above.
Looks like Henry’s go a little date, let’s have some fun!
We got ‘lots to do little errand boy.
Come to me at cloud nine.
To be a perfect angel, some sin must be done!
(She stepped up to All for One)
You told me what to do, and what to say, I couldn’t escape!
You got to choose the ending of my fates, you me astray!
But not anymore!
I’m in control!
I have to stage, you can’t turn the page!
Now all eyes on me!
All eyes on me!
Ba-da bap bap, bap bap ba doo ba duh. (She turned toward the camera)
So many experiments, so many mistakes.
But I’ll go all the way, till I’m in perfect shape!
First the worst, maybe thirds the charm. So close, oh I cannot wait!
The demon won’t taint me now’cus, you’re the sacrifice he’ll slay.
(she turned toward All Might and walked toward him)
You said I wasn’t good enought to stay, you put me away!
You took away my future and my fame, but now it will change!
(she turned toward the camera again)
Focus on me!
I’ll be all that they see!
I’ll make them sawy, no, can’t run away!
Now all eyes on me!
(she turned toward the two and put both her arms, hands flat facing both of them)
You, don’t know what it’s like to drown away, in puddle of shame.
You, yes your, made me INSANE!
(The camera blacked out and turned back on showing Kiato as a demon)
But not anymore! (she turned toward the camera again)
Example, but with black wings and horns
I’m in control (I am in control!)
I have the stage, you can’t turn the page!
Now do as you’re told!
(encore, hit the beat boys)
Focus on me!
I’ll be all that they see!
I’ll make them sway, no, can’t run away!
Now all eyes on me!
Now all eyes on,
That was the end of the video, and I turned the TV off. I soon dropped the remote and started crying, Izuku did as well. We were all shocked and devastated, my and Izuku’s sister was a demon. She wasn’t a hero anymore, the kind that saved everyone and tried to make the world better.
Kiato’s PoV
“Did you two have fun? I surely did!” I squealed happily. “Though Yagi, All for One-” I was interrupted by my father.
“You should *cough* call me father you know *cough*” Toshiniro coughed, and I walk over to him.
“I will do no such thing,” I said gravely, but I put a smile over my frown. “I happen to be out of my condition, thanks to you both I’m free from that pain.” I laughed maniacally.
“You really love that form of your huh?” All for One asked me, blood trickled down from his mouth.
“I do think so?” I questioned myself, I shrugged it off. “Now I’ll be the top villain! And get the world to go under my rule.”
“That’ll never happen!” My father yelled.
“Oh! Are you sure about that!?” I screeched right back at him. “I’m going to get the Nomu first, then the young children, and continue on to the adults! Oh? Silent are we now?” I giggled, I walked away and spread electricity through the ground and broke their chains that held them to their chairs. “You can tell everyone your little pathetic story, and that’s how it will all start.”
I hummed skipping away and out of the warehouse I was in. I smelled pros and heroes in training in front of me. I smiled devilishly, and my electricity shocked the ground, damaging everyone, but the electricity users. I frowned and sighed, I transformed into an angel dire wolf, when I was finished injuring the electricals I changed back. I walked down alleyways, and saw a women getting ganged up on by drunk guys.
I sped through them and was now in front of the injured lady. I destroyed them, after a moment without hesitation. I turned around and got onto my knees, I used my healing power from one of my animal transformations and healed the woman.
“Are you alright?” I asked.
“I am now that you saved m- Wait! Your that demon villain from TV!” She started screaming. I covered her mouth.
“I just saved your life. I’m not going to hurt you, ok? Now I will take my hand off of your mouth and explain my definition of heroes.” The girl nodded her head, I slowly took my hand off of her mouth. “Good, now let me explain…(Explanation that heroes are dumb and they only help people to get rich and famous) There do you understand now?” I asked.
“Y-yay, I get it now!” She said understanding the whole thing now.
I thought of what to do from here on, then I got an idea. “Want to join me in my path to rule the world  and make it right?” I asked her holding my hand out to her.
She nodded her head saying that she would. “Oh by the way, I’m Stella. My quirk is weak, though I get through.”
“What is your quirk?” I was curious about the idea of her quirk.
“It’s shadow movement, I can teleport myself and anyone anywhere as long as I think about the place.” She seemed embarrassed about it.
“It will work, because you can be an escape route, and you can teleport pro’s to places that their quirks are against them,” I reassured Stella. “Hey, Stella?” I asked as we got up and started walking to the streets.
“Yes, Master?” She asked.
“Please call me Match, and we have some people to visit. Mind teleporting us there?” I asked.
“Where to Match?” I showed her the address that was on my phone.

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