Chapter 18

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Sorry for the delay I'm tryna get rid of all of these OC's without too much confusion.
“Better?” I asked.
“Yeah, thanks,” She responded.
“Now, can you tell me what happened down there?”, I started,
“I know an outburst like that was pretty out of character for you.”
“I’m just frustrated and confused and I don’t understand what’s happening. I know Kiato has problems, but I don’t know why it’s this bad for her. I mean she gets away with everything, not just her but Ren too…”,  Kai sighed deeply. “Everything has been rough lately and I haven’t been taking it all too well.”
“That’s understandable, but maybe ask instead of yelling about it. Like I do.”
We laughed after what I said and I saw my sister actually smiling again. So I got up and headed to the door, but stopped as I was about to walk out.
“But seriously, sis, think about what I said.”
And with that I walked out of her room and headed back to the common area. The aroma of food filled the air, and to be honest it smelled delicious. I walked to the couch where I saw Deku still sitting and talking to Ren. Though Sh*tty Hair and Kiato were nowhere to be seen. So I just guessed the kitchen. Deku was the first to see me.
“Is she alright?” He asked me once I sat next to him.
“Yeah, she had a lot of mixed feelings though. I’m guessing Kiato and Sh*tty Hair are in the kitchen?” I informed him.
My boyfriend nodded yes, then said, “Kiato decided to make food for everyone. Don’t know what she’s making though, I hope nothing too spicy.”
“It better be spicy, I like it that way.”
“Why is that, Kat?”
“Because, I like hot tasting foods. Reminds me of you.” I gave a sly smirk as I saw Deku start to get flustered.
“GET A ROOM!” Ren interrupted.
“Shut up Ren!” I yelled at her.
We just heard and saw Ren laugh. Deku rolled his eyes and was about to say something, but Kiato yelled that food was ready.
“And no it isn’t spicy, Izu!” She added on.
“Damn it,” I muttered.
Turned out Kiato made curry, while Kirishima set the table and helped her make it. The curry was steaming hot, everyone sat down and chat with each other. Deku and I sat next to each other, as well as Ren and Half-n-Half, Kirishima sat next to an empty spot. We all started eating, but Kiato took my plate.
“This is your sisters, I have a different one for you.” 
She replaced it with another bowl of curry that looked the same as the other one. 
“I saved another batch for you, spicy just the way you like it from when I hear Izuku talks about you,” She said, then went and sat by Shitty Hair.
    Izuku’s POV
“So nobody gonna address the elephant in the room?”, Ren asked with a mouth full. Everyone looked at her as she swallowed to continue.
“I mean All Ass hates me and thinks I did something to Izu over there,” she indicated to me,” but let me get this straight. I didn’t. He was just smarter than me so he listened and I didn’t. Clearly.”, she finished up while indicating to herself.
             Ren has a point. All Might will try to expel her if she does anything he deems out of line. It seems Kiato was thinking the same thing we looked at each other knowing what she’s implying.
“So you’re leaving then?”, asked a cautious voice from behind us. It was Kai, Kiato got up to hand her, her food while Ren answered.
“Yeah, I booked a flight to the USA while she was making dinner. Bjorns going with me so I’m not alone there.”, Kaito came and sat back down. Kai followed and sat next to her.
“Yep. You shouldn’t be too surprised though, this story was getting crowded anyway.”, she replied non-chantly. We looked at each other then confused.
“The fuck did you just say.”, Kacchan shouted.
“I said,’ Yalls story is getting crowded.’, now someone pass the rice. I'm hungry.”, she stated reaching for the rice. Kai handed it to her and she scooped some into her bowl. How she’s my sister I will never know.

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