Chapter 9

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Kiato’s PoV
I can’t believe that Ren won, but I don’t feel happy or mad. I don’t feel anything, I think I went emotionless after the contest. I went to school with a blank face, stayed that way for the day, and left that way. My life was that I didn’t have any friends in my class and I didn’t care.
I took over my brothers job of tapping my foot for Akira. My brother was in a car accident the afternoon of the Singing contest, so I was finally in the depression stage. That was the only emotion I ever felt now a days. Depression was the only thing on my mind. I guess Akira turned out to be my only friend.
We spent a lot of time together and I made sure that we were not attacked or anything. We had fun together, but I was still depressed and I didn’t want to worry her so I never told her. One night while I was at my old house, which I stayed in, my other side kicked in and I got sick a lot. Though it was my blood that exited my body. 
For 5 months I didn’t go to school. The first day of the sixth month I called U.A saying that I couldn’t come to school for the next 7 months. I knew that my sickness won't end till the end of the year. 
Only Akira knew that I lived alone here and about my condition, so I was glad to hear that she cared about me enough to tell the teachers everything. I finally got my feelings back when class 1-A’s teacher Aizawa and Principal Nezu rang my doorbell. I was upstairs when I heard the ring. I skidded down the stairs so I wouldn’t hurt myself and answered the door while leaning on the wall.
“Principal Nezu? Aizawa? What are you doing here?” I coughed out with my hoarse voice. 
“We are here to help you,” Nezu said. I was quite interested to see how they could help me.
“Akira told us your condition. So we found a way where we can stop it till this year ends,” Aizawa stated. “Though you will have to change to my class.”
“Really?” I asked surprised. “You can help me?”
“Only if you transfer to Erasesrhead’s class to keep an eye on you,” Nezu said. 
“Thank you,” I thanked while giving a few tears.
“Come to school tomorrow, I’ll introduce you to the class.”
“Oh and just to say.” My call got the teacher and principal’s attention. “My ears can’t stand loud noises right now.” Aizawa nodded and I closed the door happily.
Though I just ran to the bathroom afterward. When I went to bed I slept peacefully for the first time in 5 months. I was ready for school tomorrow.
Kai’s PoV
I was sitting at my desk beside Katsuki when Aizawa entered the loud room. His stare quieted the class immediately. After a minute he started to talk.
“Today we are going to have a class 2-A student transfer to our class.”
The class went into an uproar even me, then we all went quiet when we heard a whimper. Kiato walked into the room, the class was dead silent. None of us could believe that a powerful person transferred to their class. Kirishima spoke up.
“Why is she in our class? She belongs in class 3-A really.”
“YAY!” Bakugou yelled. Kiato whimpered when Bakugou yelled, then glared at him.
“Bakugou,” Kiato mumbled. “Could you please not yell?”
“Uhhhhh…” Bakugou couldn’t answer her question, so he just went silent and sat down. This was a surprise to everyone, except Aizawa-Sensei. 
That was weird, like Aizawa-Sensei knew that would happen. Kiato looked at Aizawa-Sensei and then went to sit next to Kirishima. Kiri smiled at her and she quickly looked up to the front of the classroom. From there on the day went normal.
Timeskip to lunch
I sat next to Deku and his squad and watched Kiato walk right past us like we didn’t exist. The silver haired girl went up to a class 2-A girl and hugged her tightly. Ren wasn’t here with him today and the fact he also spent the night last night kept me questioning what was going on with. I decided to ask.
“Hey Deku, why isn’t Ren here?”, he looked up at me then glared at me. Even though I was used to people glaring at me this threw me on edge, it felt like a dragon was about to kill me. I shuddered and everyone looked over at us, they were confused. Deku then said,
“None of your f**king business.”, he got up and left right after that while taking his phone out of his pocket. This shocked everyone at the table because he NEVER, EVER, cusses. This sparked curiosity through out the entire table. Me and the rest of the table got up to find him. We found him outside in the courtyard yelling at someone through the phone, we got as close as we dared and heard the conversation.   (I= Izuku  R=Ren)
I:Hurry up and come to school!
R:That’s kinda hard when I’m stuck to a pole in a similar fashion to Jesus. Execpt and a few more nails stuck into him for fun.
I:Please, hurry up and get out of there. I’m starting to think I need to come get you.
R:Do that and Master will do worse to you, you know that. So there my punishment is almost over anyways.
I:Fine, just, try not to come into class covered in blood.
R:No promises, but I’ll try. Bye bro.
I:Bye sis.
He finished talking and hung up and started heading to class. Me and the rest of the people at his table got out of hiding we were all confused and scared.
Ren’s PoV
Izuku just hung up so now I have no one to talk to. The door opens revealing the old fart I call master. He undid nails and I dropped to the ground in a heap of pain. He kicked me and told me to get up and get out before he does worse. I scramble to my legs and walk out of the room. I got to me and Izuku’s room and got dressed after I took a shower. I’m still bleeding everywhere but at least someone can help fix me up when I get to UA.

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