Chapter 17

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Yo, Renfuckitup here just wanting to apologize for how long this update took. All I can say now is I hope y'all accept my apology and enjoy the chapter.

Izuku's POV
"Why are we sharing rooms again?", I ask All Might for the tenth time. Exasperated he says,
"Because you used to be a villain so we need Young Bakugou here to watch. It's the same thing is going on with your sisters. Except one of you is also going to go to Rehab. Their alcohol addiction needs to die.", he mutters the last part in fear Ren might hear him. I looked at him and chuckled.
"Don't worry she can't hear you............ I think.", I say with mischief. He doesn't pick it up and starts freaking out. I go sit on one of the couches to watch.
It's been two hours since he started freaking out. Kaito is down here wrapped in Kiri's arms and covered in hickeys. Ren came down with Todo, She was vaping while he was fixing her injuries. They sit down on the floor in front of us. Kai and Katsuki come in. Kai sits on the same couch as me, Kaito, and Kiri while Kat, he picks me up sits down then puts me in his lap. All Might doesn't realize we're all looking at him panicking till Ren clears her throat and with a her normal deep voice says,
"Is there a problem we should worry about All Might?", he stops moving. Looking up he see all of us in the room just looking at him. I snicker at this. He looks at me.
"Weren't you panicking about Ren hearing you say something?", I say innocently. Ren looked at him again and got up. She handed her vape to Todo who put it in his pocket. She started walking towards him menacingly Kai was about to stop her before Kat told her to watch. She did. Ren was right in front of him and said,
"What seems to be the problem old shIt, I may be in critical health,but, that doesn't mean I won't whip your ass right where you stand 'Number #1 Pro Hero',"
She looked him with a pitiful glare, he looked at her and said,
"You need to get rid of your drinking habit and now your vaping habit."
I looked at him like he was crazy. Ren looked at him the same way. As a result we were thinking the same because she backhanded him and came back to sit down. Kat, Kaito, Kiri, and Todo looked shocked, Kai got up and was about to lunge at her till I stood in front of her. Her lunge faltered and she hit the ground. Ren looked at Todo and he gave her back the vape. She took a quick breath of it.
"Kai, why'd you try to attack Ren? She was only talking to All Might.", I ask. Kaito saw my hidden expression and told Kiri. He looked up at me in understanding.' Ren's gonna have to talk with him about that.' I thought.
"Do you know why she did that to all of us?",Ren asked.
"NO!", Kai replied. Ren looks at Kaito,Kaito shook her yes. Ren walks up to me, picks me up and puts me in Kat's lap. I immediately start blushing while Kat's arms sneak around my waist holding me still. Ren turns around and marches toward Kai, Kai backs away from Ren but before she could get far enough away, Ren grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up. I looked around to see their expressions, most of them are shock and some are confusion. Ren threw Kai to the ground saying,
"You're not worth the information.", and just left. Kai laid out on the ground stunned by what just happened. I snuggled back into Kacchan while Kaito snuggled into Kiri. Kacchan looked at me with a question in his eyes. I didn't want to answer it so I shut him up with a kiss. Kaito did the same thing.
"I could get used to this.", Kat said smugly. Tightening his grip on my waist he shifts positions so I'm laying with my head on his chest and he's laying on the couch.
"Same here.", said Kiri. Carefully moving Kaito around until they were in the same position as me and Kat.
"Hey Todo, can you go make sure Ren is ok?", I ask.
"Sure, I'll be back.", he gets up and leaves.
"I'M BACK BITCHES! I just needed to grab a drink.",
Ren said coming through the door.
"Welcome back Ren," I said to her.
"She's still on the ground?" Ren asked, staring at Kai.
"Yeah, she hasn't moved. Which makes me wonder if she's still alive," I heard Kiato quietly say.
Shuffling was heard and my attention went back to Kai, seeing that she had gotten up from the ground. Her expression was emotionless, till her eyes crossed Kiato and Ren, then she glared at them. Other than that she left the room with no words. I heard Kat sigh, so I looked at him, his expression held disappointment.
"I'm going to go talk to her. I'll be right back, Deku." With that he lifted me off of him and back on the couch.
He quickly followed after his sister, in pursuit to talk to her. It became an awkward silence after that.
Kiato was the one to break the silence.
"Who's hungry?"
Everyone in the room raised their hands, and my older sister chuckled lightly, getting up from Kiri's lap and walking to the kitchen. Kiri followed after her, probably just to make sure she doesn't need any help.
Bakugo's PoV
After I put Deku back on the couch I followed after Kai, I really needed to talk to her. What she did back there before wasn't right or a smart choice to make. She's Kiato's friend after all, so she should know what she is going through. But I guess not. I got to her room and knocked on the door, a quiet 'come in' was barely heard from inside. I opened the door, walked in, and closed it behind me. Kai looked like she was crying, her eyes were red stained, and tears were still rolling down her face. I walked to her and sat next to her on the edge of her bed.
"What's the matter Kai?" ,I asked softly.
She was already pissed off enough, from what happened before. So I didn't want to push anything out of her. What surprised me next was she hugged me tightly and started balling. I hugged back, but lighter than she was, and began to rub her back.
"It'll be alright. I know things like this can be hard, even with me being an asshole."
I heard her laugh a little while crying, after a minute she let go of me and wiped her eyes.

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