Upcoming event

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The fresh scent of Christmas still hung in the air, and oddly the smell of fall was still prominent too. The air was crisp, but no more snow seemed to fall, and the ground was barren due to a freak wave of heat that cleared the Terra of any white powder. Bouts of flurries would start on and off, yet it didn't make much of an impact on the grounds. Draco Malfoy had been exchanging stares throughout the week, the wish for something more gleamed in both of our eyes; but what that want was, I did not know. Us fifth years had the luxury of going out to Hogsmeade on the weekend, yet I didn't exercise this right, much to the confusion of my classmates. The annual hijinx festival was nearing, and Snape was offering extra credit (which was rare) to supply potio pompa potion, which would produce fireworks for the end of the festival. I could always use more extra credit, and the festival would be crowded enough that I would hopefully not need to worry about anyone capturing me, but it wouldn't hurt to be cautious. I snapped out of my thoughts, and discovered myself at Snape's door. Draco was already sitting in the seat next to mine, and gave me a wistful stare.
Since the beginning of the year, Draco and I have been in an awkward dance, especially the incident right before break. It was December 12th, and we were tasked with crafting amortentia; Snape was severe as ever, and the honors students all crafted their potions beautifully. Snape requested that we all announce to the class what we answered in the amortentia. I went first, and proclaimed that I smelled green apple, broom polish, leather, and a certain cologne belonging to Draco Malfoy. The words came spilling out of my mouth too fast to take them back, and in my haze of euphoria, I didn't even want to. I stepped back, embarrassed, and then Draco stepped up to take a whiff. He said that he smelled vanilla, Rose, lemon, and morning mist. Full disclosure, Draco used Apple shampoo, wore expensive cologne, took care of his broom on the regular, and took a certain fondness for wearing leather jackets in a classic bad boy look. I on the other hand, wore Rose and vanilla everything (I.e, perfume, shampoo, body wash) my detergent was lemon scented, and my frequent love for taking runs in the morning. It might not have been obvious to anyone else, but between the two of us, we both knew that something was going on between us, yet neither wanted to confront the other.
Mrs. Granger, I suppose that in your infinite wisdom, you would know what we have been talking about in class for the past 20 minutes. I mentally slapped myself, I grimaced as I looked over to Malfoy as he looked over at me. Professor Snape had the unfortunate gift of ignorance and knowing when someone nods off in his class. I scanned the room for clues, but I had yet to find any. At that point malfoy whispered the word werewolf, and I went on a tangent, much to the annoyance of professor Snape.

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