1 (and it begins )

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I sit in a box or at least I think it is a box, everything is pitch black, and there is no sound but I seem to be moving up.

I stand up and try to walk around only to trip on something. What is that?

I reach my hand down only to feel something like flesh.

It moves, I scream and back away.

Suddenly a small light comes on. And I see all the supply crates in the corner of the box. It was a box!

I turn around and I'm staring into the a pair of frightened hazel eyes.

We both jump back and I hit my head on the wall.

"Oww!" I complain.

The girl laughs. "Smooth."

"Yep." I say.

"What's your name?" She asks me.

"Mixy." I say, "Its funny that is all I can remember, like I know things, but I don't know where I know it from."

"Same." The girl says. "Oh by the way, my names Ashley."

"Hey Ashley." I say and grin.

All of a sudden there is a horrid metal on metal grinding sound. I clasp my hands over my ears and look over at Ashley who is doing the same. It stops and we are alone in silence.

Suddenly a small metal rod comes out of the ceiling and a white mist starts to spill out of it.

It creeps over the ground towards me. I pull up my shirt over my mouth and nose.

The mist rises until it fills the entire room.

At first nothing happens. Then I feel sleepy, VERRY sleepy. I look over and see that Ashley is already on the ground sleeping.

The mist takes over me and I fall to the ground.

I feel awake but I'm really not. I can't open my eyes.

I feel the box start to move again then we stop. We are still in all black. Or at least I think we are.

It sounds like something swings open.

"It's a girl." A boy with an accent says from above.


"Is she hot!?"

"A girl!?"

"That's a fist?!" Wait, first?


"Who says you got dibs?"

There is laughing.

"There is two?" The accent guy says.


"That's a first."

"Because getting girls isn't a first." Do they not have girls here?

"Ohh more fun." One boy says from above, the people snicker.

I feel someone jump down in the box.

"What is your name?" Is he asking me?

"Ashley." Oh, he was talking to Ashley, "That is Mixy." Ashley says.

"Help me get her out." The boy with the accent says.

I feel myself being lifted up and out of the box.

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