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>Newts POV< (A/N Awwwwww snap)

The walls will be closing any moment now and Mixy still isn't back. I should never have let this happen. I let her be a runner.

The someone in the crowd that has gathered by the walls gasps.

I look up and see Mixy limping around the corner.

"Come on!" Someone yells.

People are yelling telling her she can make it.

The walls start closing.

"You got this!" Someone yells.

I start to loose hope that she can make it. The walls slide closer, she won't make it.

I'm debating going in the maze when the walls are about two feet open but Ashley darts forward. Minho runs forward as well but someone catches him. The closing doors stop us from going in after her.

I stare at Mixy.

When the doors are almost close she stands. Like she was never hurt. Like they planed the whole thing.

The look on her face is like she is pleading for forgiveness.

The walls close cutting her off from us, from me.

Of course when I fall for her hard she would do something like this.

People start slowly leaving, going to bed.

Eventually it is only me and Minho there sitting in the grass staring at the locked walls.

"You know they planed that right?" Minho brings up.

"Yea, I know they bloody planed it." I say harsher than I ment you.

"Well, what now?" Minho asks.

"I don't know." I admit.

I go to sleep that night only to be awoken in the morning by the greenie alarm going off.

"What is going on?!" I yell.

"I don't know." Minho yells back.

I run the the box and sure enough there is a greenie.

Is it a girl? Could it be Mixy? I hope exitedly.

I jump down into the box and see that it is in fact a girl, but not Mixy or even Ashley.

Things only get weirder and weirder.

The sky turns to stone, we find out about the greiver hole, people die, yada yada yada.

(A/N lol thanks for 69 views, luv yall long time <3)

In The MazeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ