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I see Gally's arm twich slightly. That is enough to give it away. He swings at me and I dodge his hit with ease.

The crowd woops.

"Come on greenie, make this nice and easy." Gally says.

"You wish." I say and dodge his next hit.

But to my surprise he grabs my arms, swinging me around, and puting me in a head lock.

He is holding me to tight, I can't breath. Then I think of something that he won't like, oh well.

I kick my leg up, hitting a spot that lets just say isnt a good spot for a boy.

He lets go and I spin around seeing him doubled over.

I use this to my advantage and I punch him in his unusual potato shapes nose.

The boys yell when Gally stands and wipes blood from his nose.

I grin.

"You slinthead." He hisses.

"You shuck-face." I taunt him, earning a laugh from the crowd around us.

His next hit I didn't see he hits me square in the face and sends me down.

About a quarter of the crowd yells, the other half boos.

They are saying I can do this. Then I hear a particular british voice. "Come on Mixy, you got this." Newt says.

I open my eyes and see Gally with his back towards me raising his hand in the air.

With my last ditch effort I push myself up.

The crowd yells as Gally turns around with a confused look on his face.

"Back for round two?" He asks me with a smug grin on his face. What I wouldn't do to wipe that off his face.

"Round one never ended." I say. The boys laugh.

Wiping blood from my lip I grin again.

"Come on girly, you can't win." He stands up letting his arms fall to his sides.

"You can't win!" He yells laughing.

I set my jaw and with all my strength I punch him in his potato nose again.

He gets a look of pure surprise the. He falls down on his butt, then on his back.

He doesn't move. "Yes I can." I say and turn out away from the arena. Away from all the people. Away from the boys yelling my name.

I walk to the deadheads. Into the dark. Into the silence.

"Mixy?" A british accent asks.

"Newt?" I attempt and fail at a british accent.

He laughs. "Where are you?" He asks.

"Up here." I swing down from the tree I was perched in. I hang upside down from one of the branches.

"Why are you upside down?" He asks me.

"Because I want to be." I laugh.

There is a laughing from inside the forest again.

"What was that?" Newt asks.

"Want to know why I was running?" I ask him.

"Yes! Minho hasn't told me klunk." He says.

"Follow me." I grin and swing all the way down my tree.

I lead him deeper into the forest until I find the clearing that I found Minho and Ashley at last time.

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