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Me and Minho run the maze everyday. Yesterday he followed me while I did everything by myself.

"You are on your own today!" Minho says happily.

"Great." I say with a laugh.

We get ready and head to the walls.

"Be carful." Newt walks up behind me.

"Always am." I say a little more harsh than I ment to. I mean he did storm out like a little shuck-face when I became a runner but...

He sighs. "Just be careful." He says as the walls start to open.

"I will!" I say and run off into the maze.

The day is pretty normal. The only thing out of place is a sign, a sign that states World In Catastrophe, Killzone Experiment Department.


I glance down at my watch and see that I'm ahead of schedule.

I stay and move vines away from the sign.

I glance at the top and there are hinges. That's new.

I try and pry it open but it doesn't budge.

I draw it in my note book and keep running my route.

On the way out I stop at the sign again.

I glance at it and try to blink but when I do my eyes stay shut. I try opening them but they stayed closed.

All of a sudden a voice comes up in my head, like in my head, like there is a person in my head talking.

Listen I don't have much time. She says. You are to come back here with Ashley on the 14th day of this month at the time the walls close. If you don't all that you two have ever liked will be killed.

Images of Newt, Minho, Thomas, Frypan, Chuck, everyone, faster and faster. They swirl around behind my eyelids.

Behind the sign a door will open and you must follow the trail, if you choose not to come or come with someone other than Ashley. Everyone will die. You aren't supposed to be here.

With that she is gone. Like she never came. I open my eyes and blink. Glancing down at my clock I relize that I need to get back. Fast.

I run back thinking of what she said. I'm not supposed to be here? What does that mean.

I run through the doors and into the glade.

I mark up the maps and finish some things then go and get dinner.

"-is good, it is a bit dry though." They are probably talking about the chicken.

I plop down by the table. Ashley is done and staring at me.

"What?" I ask her.

"Nothing." She says.

I finish my dinner and look back at Ashley.

"Can I talk to you, alone?" I say and walk away towards the deadheads.

She follows me into the deadheads.

"What is wrong with you." She asks.

I turn and explain everything to her, 14th only her, everyone dying, I don't lighten up when I get to the part that says Minho will die. I have a feeling she won't like this.

"So we have to go?" She asks.

"It seems like it, don't tell anyone!" I say.

"I won't." She promises.

"Not even Minho." I say.

"I'll try not to." She says.

"You better not." I say.

"What not try or don't tell him." She laughs.

"You know what I ment." I say lightly shoving her.

"Ash!?" Minho calls from the edge of the deadheads.

"Don't tell." I say as she walks away.

"I promise." She mouths then she is gone.

I'm left alone in the trees for a while. Then I hear someone coming.

"Mixy?" Newt asks.

"Yes?" I replie from my perch in the tree.

"Come down here." He says.

I slide down the tree.

"What?" I ask.

"What is wrong?" He asks me pulling me down to a root that sticks out of the ground.

"Nothing." I lie.

"Something is wrong, you look like you are about to cry." He says.

"I'm fine." I lie again.

"Mixy, something is wrong, please tell me." He says.

He seems so worried. Oh god, of course now I would start to like him. When I have to leave.

"Mixy?" He asks again.

"Yea." I say and cross my arms.

"Please tell me." He pleads.

I can't leave, I don't want to leave. They will kill all of them though. I debate with myself.

I feel a tear slip out of my eye.

"Mixy, please?" He pleads again.

I just close my eyes and hang my head down.

He lifts my chin up and makes me look at him.

"I'll get it out of you." He wispers and kisses me.

He seems like he expects me to pull away but I stay where I am and kiss him back.

His hand wraps around my back pulling me closer.

He breaks away. "Do you like me?" He asks.

"Maybe." I say even though it stabs me through the heart.

"Humm." He says then grins and kisses me again.

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