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(Mixy's POV)

The lady explains everything like how Ashley and I were now variables. We must do what they say or people will die. Great.

"Well, today we are doing some tests, follow me!" She says and walks away, we both follow her.

She leads us down a hallway and tells Ashely to wait at a random door.

"Mixy, you will be in here." She says when she gets to another door.

"Okay." I say blandly.

I walk in and see a man in a lab coat inside.

"Hello Mixy." He says with a smile. What is it with people knowing my name!

He pats a table like thing and I hop up onto it.

"This won't hurt, much." He says still smiling.

He puts a bag type thing over my mouth and I feel drugs pulling me under.

For the longest time I don't dream but I eventually do.

"Mommy, mommy!" I say but it isn't me, it is the dream me.

"Yes dear?" My said mom says.

"Will you go insane like those people on the tv?" I ask.

"I'm afraid I will, but don't worry I will always love you." She sounds like she sniffles.

"Mommy, what is happening?" I ask.

"The flare." She says and stands and walks away.

The seen changes and I am crying.

There is yelling from outside. My mom told me to hide in a closet and not come out. I've been in here for three days.

"No!!!" Someone desperatly screams.

The closet door swings open and a arm reaches in and drags me out.

"Mommy!" I screach and see her. "Mommy?" I ask softer.

She is in the corner crumpled in a ball.

"Go away." She hisses.

"Mommy?" I asks again.

"Go away!" She screaches she looks up and I see that she has a huge gash on her cheek.

I'm puller out into the street and into a van.

"Help her!" I sob. "Go back and save her."

"We can't sweetheart, she is a crank." Someone says.

There is a loud bang. "She can't be helped." Someone says.

This slowly melts away and is replaced with me at a dest.

I face Ashley, or what I think is Ashley, she looks so much younger.

"Try it." I tell her.

"I am." She says back at me.

"Try really hard." I say again.

"I can't." Ashley sighs.

"You can." I tell her again.

Her face contorts as she tries to concentrate.

I catch something.

Try again, you almost got it. I say in her mind.

Your full of crap you know that. She throughs at me.

I know. I grin.

That melts away and I'm left in blackness.

I slowly open my eyes wondering what I will find. To my surprise I find nothing.

Only Ashley sitting in the corner of the room.

"Hey." I croak.

She looks up at me surprised.

"Did you get some memories back?" She asks.

Before I can answer someone walks in.

"We need to get you cleaned up." He says. "Come with me."

We follow him to the bathrooms where he gives us individual showers and changing rooms. He also passes us cloths.

I take my cloths off and let the hot water run down me.

It feels good to take a shower, a clean one.

Afterwards I change then walk out.

"We must get you cleaned up." Someone says.

"I'm already cleaned up." I say confused.

"Come with me." A woman says.

She leads me to a room with a chair in it, it looks like a dentists chair.

"Hop up." She says.

I sit down in the chair.

I feel drugs threatening to pull me under.

"Let it happen dear." The woman says.

I close my eyes and a dream starts.

"Come on Mixy we don't have time for this." Some woman says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because we have a strict policy here and we can't have you bending the rules so you can stay with Ashley." She explains.

"What do you think we are doing?" I ask.

"You are trying to not forget Ashley, we will make you." She says.

"How?" I ask.

"Erasing your memory." The memory fades away and I wake up again.

I glance at a mirror and see that my hair is pulled up in a neat ponny-tail. I also wear a little makeup.

"You may go eat." The lady says.

Somehow I know how to get to the place where we eat. Left right right.

I eventually make it back and grab an apple.

A lady in a lab coat come up to me and Ashley.

"So I have good news and bad news." She says.

"What is it." I say.

"Well, both of you have the flare." She starts.

"Go on." Ashley says.

"Well Ashley, you're a munie that means your immune to the flare. On the other hand, Mixy your a crank." She says.

"Ok." I say dryly and walk away.

"Mrs, they are coming." Someone yells.

The place goes insane.

"The gladers are coming, remember when we said you were variables well, now you must act." She hands us both a black pill type thing. "Eat this, it will make you look dead."

"Why?" Ashley asks.

"Reasons." She says and walks away. Putting fake - or at least I hope it is fake - blood on people making them look dead.

"Bottoms up." I say and swallow the pill.

I see Ashley falling to the ground and I feel the floor getting closer to my head as well.

I try and move my arms but I can't. I'm almost frozen. Then I realized this is the pill going to work.

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