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I worked in the kitchen with Frypan today. It was an okay job, making food all day.

Because I missed somedays when I was supposed to be working I know only get a half of a day with everyone. So I eat lunch then go to the homestead and work with Clint.

"Here give this to him." Clint says to me at one point of the day.

He wants me to feed someone who is knocked out. How will this work?

To my surprise when I put some soup in the boys mouth he swallows it. When I'm done feeding him Clint comes in. "Hey dinner time greenie."

We walk back to the kitchen and get my food. Then I sit down at a table with Chuck and Ashley.

"Hey." Chuck says.

Someone else sits down by us. "Hey Thomas." Chuck says, this must be the one and only Thomas that Chuck always talks about.

Someone else sits by us. He has black hair and looks to be Asian.

"Minho." Thomas says.

We spend that dinner talking about randome things.

Then in the morning I get woken up by not Newt but Minho.

"Get up shank." He says. "Today I will be testing out how good you are at running."

I spend the day running and I relize that it is actually pretty fun to run.

At the end of the day when we are sitting down for dinner Minho walks up to me and says, "Good job greenie."

"That's a start." Thomas says.

"Why?" I asks him.

"He usually doesn't compliment other people." He explains.

"Well I guess that I'm just perfect." I grin and flip my hair, wich got in the way today, it was annoying.

"Keep thinking that." Ashley says as she sits down by me. "Oh! By the way. I'm a cook!!"

"Good for you!" I say happy for her, she liked that job.

Newt comes down and sits by us. "So you get your job tomorrow." He explains.

"I don't get any choice?" I ask him, but I already know the answer.

"No, sorry greenie, you don't, we put you where you best fit." He says.

"That's what I thought." I say sadly.

I finish dinner early and walk down to the deadheads. They are nice you can go into them and feel like you are alone.

Once I'm in them I sit down on a root that sticks out.

"I'm sorry you don't get a choice." Newt walks up behind me.

"Why can't I get a choice?" I ask him as he sits down on the root.

"Because what you would choose wouldn't be good for you." He says.

"How do you know what I would do?" I question him.

"How you watch the runners, how many questions you ask Thomas and Minho." He replies.

"Maybe I wouldn't be a runner." I say.

"I think you would greenie." He grins.

"Fine you got me there." I pout. "I guess that is all I want to do." I fling my hand on my head dramatically.

"Oh come on there has to be something else you would want to do." He says shoving my lightly and laughing.

I would have answered but someone walks up behind us making kissing sounds.

"Minho you shank!" Newt yells, even though he isn't mad.

I turn and see Minho making a heart with his hands.

"The two glade lovebirds." He says. "Can't wait to tell everyone!" He start to back away.

"Don't you dare, you slinthead!" Newt gets up and walks after him.

I smile and laugh a little then walk out into a fild and curl up in a ball looking at the sky.

There are stars tonight, most nights it is cloudy. They are slightly calming. That night I fall asleep under the stars.

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