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I fall asleep listening to Newt breathing heavily.

That morning I wake up to sunshine bursting trough the window.

I glance over at Newt and see he is wide a awake and looks at me grinning.

"What?" I ask him looking somewhere north of his eyes.

"Nothing." He laughs and gets up.

To my surprise he is fully dressed.

"Newt?" Someone asks from out in the hall.

"Go get some breakfast." Newt says.

He walks out and I walk over to the bag with cloths in it.

I grab the first thing that I find and throw it on quick.

I look down and see that I am wearing short shorts and a tank top. Great. I think sarcasticly. Im stuck in a place with a bunch of boys and one girl, they could have at least given me some shorts that cover my legs more.

I walk to the kitchen.

"Hey Mixy want to work today?" Frypan asks me.


"Great after your done, come here." He says.

"Will do." I call over my shoulder.

I eat my breakfast fast and run back to the kitchen.

"Is that the right cloths for you to wear?" Frypan asks me.

"Why." I say.

"Oh nothing, they just seem a bit, short." He says.

"Good that." I laugh and get to handing out food.

There arn't many people so I jump up on a counter behind me.

Newt walks up to the counter.

"Hey what's up?" I ask.

"I need to see Frypan." He says dryly.

"Okay?" I run in back to get Frypan.

"Frypan." I call out.

"What?" He asks.

"Someone needs to see you." I say and turn back to the counter.

Frypan walks past me.

"What do you want?" He asks Newt kindly.

"Just come with me." Newt almost growls.

"Someone is upset." Ashley says from behind me.

"I know right." I laugh.

"Hormonal boys." She rolls her eyes and walks into the back area of the kitchen.

"Oh!" I call after her as I jump acrost the table. "What is with you and your hormonal boy?" I ask using her words.

"Oh." She blushes.

"Mixy!?" Someone calls. "Come here!" They yell.

"You got lucky." I say and run towards the voice.

It came from inside the homestead, they must be having a meeting.

I walk in.

"Knocking would be nice." Gally mutters.

"Slim it Gally." Newt spits.

Gally makes mocks Newt behind his back and I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

"So what is going on?" I ask.

Alby is the one that stands up and says something.

"Minho would like you to be a runner, Frypan says that that's okay, do you want to be a runner?" He asks.

I glance at Newt , his jaw is locked as he holds a notepad and pencil.

"Yes, I would." I say.

Newt chucks the notebook at the ground and storms out.

"Don't mind him." Minho says and leads me out of the room.

All of a sudden sirens go off.

"What is that?" I ask him.

"A new greenie." He says.

We walk over and see the greenie. He looks about 15 with dusty blond hair and blue eyes.

Afterwards I walk to the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Ashley asks me.

"I'm a runner now!" I say happily.

Her smile fades. "Be carful." She says. "I already hate that Minho goes in there, now you." I say.

"Trust me I'll be carful." I say.

The next day Minho takes me to the cement building that the runners always go in.

"So." Minho starts. He explains everything.

Then we walk over to the walls.

Once they open he takes off running.

He cuts vines off the walls and I relise he is marking a trail. That's what the vines were!

We take short breaks and Minho writes some notes every once in a while. We reach the end of the route.

"Time to go back." Minho says and we run back to the glade.

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