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I'm being set down now. "Get a med-jack!" Someone with a deep voice yells.

Someone comes over and puts his hand on my neck, probably taking my pulse.

"She will be okay, she is just asleep, or kinda asleep."

"Get her inside homestead." deep voices dude says.

I'm being lifted again. "Move out of the way you shanks!" The accent dude yells. Wait shanks? What does that mean?


Some one is talking by me I can't tell what they are saying but I happen to catch, "morning." It must be morning.

I try opening my eyes again, it slightly works my eyes feel heavy instead of sealed shut.

I try again. This time my eyes shoot open and I sit up. I must have sat up fast because the two boys that happen to be in corner jump up.

"Greenie?" One of them asks. "Clint go get Alby."

The boy with shaggy blond hair blue eyes and freckles, that must be Clint runs out a realy creaky door.

"Hello." I say, my voice is scratchy, I don't like it.

"Hi greenie, I'm Newt." Newt says, he is the dude with the accent, now that I can see him he has dirty-brown hair that is tossed up in randome places, and bark brown eyes.

Clint and what I'm guessing is Alby walk in.

"She is awake, good." Alby says, he is dark-skined tall and muscular. I almost immediately feel intimidated by him.

Alby walks over and opens a window. I glance out it. "Welcome to the glade, don't leave the glade, ever." He says they last part louder and then walks out.

"Seems nice" I mutter.

"Well looks like I show you around now." Newt says and leads me out of the place that I think is called homestead.

Newt gives me the tour of the glade then explains the jobs and how I will be put into the one that I am best at.

"Doors are closing now." Newt grins and drags me over towards the huge cement walls that surround the glade.

"Closing?" I ask.

"Yes, closing." He just grins.

I'm about to say something but there is a really loud grinding sound and the walls start to slide shut.

We eat dinner and I meet Chuck a kid that seems like he just wants friends.

"Do you want to sleep with me and Tommy tonight." He says. "Oh, that sounded bad, between us, wait no that sounded bad too."

I cut him of laughing. "I know what you ment Chuck."

"Oh, that's good!" He says. "Sooo?"

"I may." Just then Ashley plops down next to us.

"So how was your first day?" She asks me.

"Ok I guess." I say.

"Better than bad, when do you start your jobs?" She ask me.

"Uhh I think Newt said tomorrow." I replie.

"That's good, I have a feeling you will hate the slicers, trust me when I say it suck."

We finish eating and I walk down to a field where I sit down.

Ashley whent to bed a little bit ago.

I should probably sleep but I can't get the thought of being trapped in a maze out of my mind.

Some one walks up behind me, it is probably Chuck.

To my surprise it is Newt. He sits down by me.

"You should sleep." He says, "You have to get up early."

"Do I now?" I mutter.

"Don't worry there has been people who have been worse than you." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Most people break down on their first night here." He explains.

"I see."

"Yep, get to bed greenie." He says and then walks away.

Well that was odd. But I lay down in the tall grass and fall asleep anyway. I didn't relise how tired I was, but when Newt finds me in the morning and tells me to get up, I definitely feel tired.

The next few days were horrible, turns out, as Ashley said, I hate the slicers, and the track-hoes, and basics every other job they had.

I have three jobs left, cook, med-jack, and a runner whatever that is.

This morning I sit awake staring at the closed walls when Newt walks up and sits down by me.

"They should open soon." He says. "The doors."

Just as he says that the doors start to slide open. Really loudly.

Then something I haven't seen before. Someone runs of into the maze.

"That was a runner." Newt explains. "They run the maze everyday, making marks of things that changed, looking for a way out."

"Have they found one?" I ask him.

"No, not in three years." He says.

At that moment I want to be a runner. I want to find a way out. I want to help.

In The MazeWhere stories live. Discover now