Chapter 1

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Dear Ella Scott,

Today marks eleven years that we have gone to the same school and yet somehow you have never once noticed me. I don't know how you couldn't of. I always left you notes in your locker and on your desk.

See it started out as a joke. My friends Jaden and Griffin thought it would be funny if we picked out a single girl to pretend to write these stupid letters too. After a while I kind of didn't take it as a joke anymore. In those notes most of them were talking about you being this quite girl who was hot and it was true. After a while I realized that I had fallen for you. You were no longer the nerdy geek to me. You were the cute quite girl who didn't talk much.

So I guess this is me apologizing for being an ass back then even though you didn't know it was me. Sometimes I wish I came out and told you that I was playing a joke on you, but that was until March 14th. If you couldn't tell the notes were longer and more meaningful.

As you could imagine it took a lot to write this because I am not one to show emotions toward others. And I understand if you don't care or dont want to associate with me that's okay. I will respect your actions.

Yours truly,

*****AUTHORS NOTE*****
So as I am young and dumb and can't use proper grammar I will be fixing this so if  you by any chance see any grammar errors or anything feel free to comment!! Much love <3

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