Chapter 16

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It's been two weeks since Anthony and Ella made up and forgave eachother and now they spend most of their time together.

They have been to eachothers house everyday after school and on the weekends. Its nothing new for them.


Anthony was sitting in his bed scrolling through Instagram when he got a notification. After looking at it he sighed. He hadn't realized that there was a week until Christmas. He hadn't even gotten anything for his family.

Once he finally got out of bed he grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower. After getting out he got dressed putting on a blue long sleeve shirt and ripped black jeans. To top his outfit off he slipped on some black Nike's.

As he was heading upstairs he knocked on his brothers door.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to know if you and Brady wanted to come Christmas shopping with me." Anthony said. "I am going to pick up Gabrielle and then head to the mall."

"Yeah sure let us get around."


Ella got a text from Anthony saying he would be there in about thirty minutes to get her and go to the mall. As she did not have much time to get around she changed into an orange and white striped sweater, a pair of blue skinny Jean's with rips in the knees, and a pair of white Adidas shoes.

Once she was dresses she brushed her teeth, put deodorant on, and brushed her hair. After brushing her hair she pulled it into a side bun and walked downstairs.

"Ella where are you going?" Danielle asked.

"I am going Christmas shopping with Anthony and his brothers. In fact they should be here any minute now."

"Oh well please invite them in. I baked muffins and cookies for your father's meeting today and he never took them so now I have about eighty cookies and forty muffins."

Ella excused herself to getting the door when someone knocked and she did invite the boys in to grab some food.

"Thank you Mrs. Scott." Austin says taking a bite of his muffin.

"Any time boys."


Once they had gotten to the mall they all spilt up making sure they didn't know what they were getting eachother and other family members.

Ella headed to Bath and Body works to get lotions for her step mother. She was going through the scents until she found a fee she liked and left. She then headed over to H&M to get her father new ties. She grabbed a black satin one and a few different colored striped ones. Just for fun she grabbed one that said, "I hate this place" only because she knew her father hated his job.

After Ella was done shopping she went to find Anthony. Walking in and out of stores she finally found him in Nike store. He wasn't alone though. He was with a girl. A girl who had long blonde hair. She was wearing  black jeans with a red Tommy Hilfiger sweatshirt, and white Adidas shoes. She was no doubt very beautiful.

As Ella got closer she saw a small child. It was a child that looked to be a year or two old. She decided she didn't like what was going on so she went up to Anthony. She stood by his side and grabbed his hand interlocking their fingers.

Anthony looked at Ella with a confused look as this was the first time they have held hands. Ella was too distracted glaring over at the girl to listen to their conversation but one thing hit her.

"I see you moved on. Congratulations."

Ella looked up at Anthony and back at the girl.

"Ohhh. You're Alivia." She says. "I've heard about you."

Alivia looked at Ella with a death glare. And Anthony just looked at Ella like she just said she was pregnant.

"Oh yeah. I am Alivia and you probably have heard about me. But that's the past."

"Well good for you. I am glad things have changed for you. Hopefully for the good." Ella days trying to contain herself.

"Yeah they have. Thank you for understanding. And are you two dating?"

"Technically speaking no."

"Oh good. I didn't think you would actually be dating a girl whose mother you know took owm life because she didn't even love her own daughter."

Ella was absolutely frustrated at what she said.

"How about we leave the past in the past and head out into the future. Oh yeah that's right you blew it and we actually have a future."

Ella tried pulling Anthony away from her but before she could even move him she was on the ground being slapped.

Ella blocked a punch making Alivia punch the hard floor. As she was wincing in pain Ella pushed her off her and rolled her over so she could punch her back.

"Ella stop." Anthony says. "Ella stop she has a child."

Ella completely ignored the fact that Anthony was now yelling at her to get off of the girl. Punch after punch her fist collided with Alivia's face.

Alvia somehow managed to get ahold of Ella's hair and dragged her off of her body. Ella had already gotten a black eye from earlier punches, but now Alivia was kicking her in the stomach and hitting her even more.

It wasn't until Austina and Brady had found them that they could pry Alivia off of Ella.

Ella was trying to regain her balance and stand straight. Anthony was holding Ella by the waste making sure she could actually stand.

As for Alivia she was bleeding out of her nose and was holding onto a rack of sports bras.

"Let go of me Anthony." Ella says irritated. "I can stand by myself. Now let's just leave."

As the boys walked out Ella stayed put. Once they were far enough away from her she walked back up to Alivia and punched her straight in the jaw.

"You don't ever mention my mother again."


Once Ella got home her father was extremely agrivated but when he saw his daughter he was worried.

"Gabrielle River what in the world happened to you. You have a busted lip and a black eye. You are walking with a limp."

"Dad listen to me when I say you should of seem the other girl."

"Okay Ella what happened?" He asks

"I was Christmas shopping and all that when I went to go find Anthony. When I found him he was with a girl. Her name is Alivia. She is a mother. They used to date and lied about cheating and him being the child's father and what not. Well anyways she was saying shit about my mother and I told her the past was in the past and that Anthony and I actually have a future together and she blew her. Then the stupid whors jumped on me and punched me."

"Well as long as you got the last punch you're good." Skylar says laughing.

"If you really think it's funny come here and you can look just like her." Ella says in all seriousness.


"Anthony why the hell were you talking to Alivia?" Brady asks as soon as they pulled out of Ella's driveway.

"She came up to me it's not like I was provoking the situation." He says.

"Your lucky Ella isn't just leaving your ass after that dude. If I was her it would of been hasta luego dude. She clearly likes you a lot."

"Yeah bro. You really like her too. Just ask her out already." Austin says butting into the situation.

And that was what was on Anthony's to do list.

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