Chapter 15

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"Today we will be getting different partners because I hate seeing you all together. So here are your partners.

Anthony looked around the room for Ella but she was not anywhere to be found.

"Jaden and Chase, Eva and Anthony, Cole and Ella, Samantha and Kylie."

Anthony knew he had screwed up and he knew it wasn't just his fault though.

Ella didn't wake up until almost after noon. She had finally went to her bedroom after three hours of sitting on her porch hoping Anthony would come back but he didn't.

When she awoken she was in a short too big for her and some shorts. She soon realized that the shirt was Anthony's. She began crying again.

She couldn't shake off the thought of him being mad at her. What would she do when he comes over? Would she just cry some more?

After getting up she went downstairs to get some water. At the table was her father.

"Gabrielle. Why are you not at school?" He asks.

"Dad. I didn't want to go."

"Ella you can't just stay home because of a boy. You need to go to school and get an education so you can become that doctor you want to be."

"He's not just a boy. He is Anthony. And Anthony understands." She says back with her teeth clenched.

"Listen don't get me wrong or anything but Ella most teenage boys are only wanting to get in your pants. I don't want you to become a mother at such a young age. It's awful to have a kid at such a young age."

"That's why you left mom right? Because it was too much work for you to care for your child. So you left and got with another women who had three kids already. That makes sense. You are just scared of me turning out to be like you. A worthless human being but I won't become what you are."

Ella turned her back and stormed off. She went to the bathroom and took a hot shower to calm herself but she was still very upset when she was done. She laid on her bed and cried for the fifth time that day until she fell  asleep.


There was a knock at her door that woke her up. She groaned and got out of bed to open the door.

Once the door was open she found Anthony standing there with tears in his eyes. Ella who had now gotten teary eyed looked at him.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I'm sorry that I denied the fact that maybe somewhere down deep inside me I like you. I know it must of hurt when I called you just a Chem partner. Believe me it hurt me too."

Leaning into his arms she embraced his body in hers. He smelt of cinnamon and vanilla. He finally hugged her back letting his arms rest on her hips as they both cried on eachothers shoulders.

"Ella I missed you." He says. "I couldn't sleep with you on my mind"

"Please forgive me. I was scared. I didn't know what to say. I'm sorry."

"Ella you.. you don't need to apologize I understand and I am not mad." Anthony says backing up away from her.

They were now holding hands looking in eachothers eyes. Both of them were red eyed and puffy cheeks.

"Do you want to stay?" Ella asks.

"Yeah. I mean if you want me to. Maybe we could watch a movie."

And with her permission Anthony stayed the rest of the day and they had a movie marathon. They started on Maleficent and ended up falling asleep. And the rest of the night that's all they did. Sleep.

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