Chapter 20

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Stiring from the bed Ella looked up and found one of her bestfriends.

"Ella why are you here?"

Ella looked around and found herself laying in a room that did not belong to her nor did the bed.

"Brady, what am I doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

Brady sat down next to her so he could actually talk to her face to face.

"What happened last night?" He asked. "Why are you here in my brothers bed?"

"I have no idea. The only thing I remember is being at a party and then almost falling."

"Ella did you drink last night?!"

"Yes. I did." She paused comprehending what she said. "Oh. I was drunk. I think. Where is Anthony."

"He went to get breakfast."

"Okay." She says.

"You know that he loves you right?"

"Yeah I mean I guess so. I don't know what love feels like but I am pretty sure that what I feel for him is love and not like all the sappy stuff you read about kind of love but like pure love."

"Ella. Listen to me. Anthony is a good guy and he wouldn't ever hurt you intentionally but if he ever does I am here and I'll kick his ass."

"Thank you Brady. Can you wake me up when he gets back?"

"Sure." He says getting up and walking out of the room.


Once Anthony had gotten back he walked downstairs to his bedroom and stopped before he walked in. He didn't want to wake her.

As he went back upstairs he heard footsteps behind him. Turning around he found Ella in an oversized shirt and the spandex she had on underneath her skirt.

"How do you feel?" He asks her.

"I have a headache. And I am really hungry."

"Let's go eat and then I'll take you home." Anthony says.


After they ate Anthony drove across town to drop Ella off at home. Once she had gotten in the house her parents were waiting for her.

"Gabrielle Marcia where have you been?" Her father asked.

"I was at friends house. Didn't Skylar tell you?"

"Where gave you been?"

"I just told you. I was at a friends house."

Danielle laughed at the statement. "Listen here young lady. Where have you actually been? Skylar told us."

"I was with Anthony. A friend." I say making it clear I was indeed with a friend.

"Oh my god. I will not have a daughter of mine be like this." Mark says in a angry tone.

"Like what. How am I acting?" Ella says with crossed arms.

"You're acting like-like your mother."

"Excuse me?! What does that mean."

"Sweetie your mother was a wild teenager and when she was your age well she became pregnant because if her stupid decision and being you know a whore as they call them these days." Danielle says.

"No. You don't get to say that. In fact why don't you leave this to me and my father because last time I checked you are just playing mommy for me. Also don't you speak a word about my mother again bitch."

"Gabriella Marica Scott. You are grounded. I am so sick and tired of your attitude and don't call your mother that."

"Okay cool. Ground me but never will she ever be my mother. She doesn't even know what I like for fucks sake. Are you kidding me a barbir diary for my fifteenth birthday?" Ella says. "She never once did anything great for me. She didn't put her life on the line for me when my father walked out on us. She didn't sit there and extra shifts just to keep the lights and water on un the house. All she has done is leech off if you for money. And for all I care let her do it because in just a fee weeks when I turn seventeen I'm gone. I already have all my papers signed and copied with approval open the sellers."

"Gabrielle Marcia your grounded all month. No phone, no TV, no computer, and most importantly no Anthony."

"Okay. If you say so." Ella says handing over her phone.

"We've already took your other things." Danielle says.



Dear Anthony,

As I am writing this to you I am have no other way of communication. My horrible parents took all my cellular devices and decided to punish me. They have grounded me for a month and have told me I am forbidden to see you for a month. But since they aren't smart we have four of our five periods together so I'll see you all day.

As for what am I going to do of we want to hang out. We'll have to skip school because my brothers are snitches and will tell if I sneak out.

I think my parents don't like you as you are a "bad influence" on me. When in reality I am just trying to live my teenage lifes like my mother would of liked to. I just got a very late start.

Also Danielle things she was making something out of me and she doesn't want me to act like my mother because I quote, "Sweetie your mother was a wild teenager and when she was your age well she became pregnant because if her stupid decision and being you know a whore as they call them these days."  I cant believe she actually said that. She didn't even know my mom.

Also I am moving. I will no longer be living with my parents after this week. I have bought my own house. It is a three bedroom, two and half baths. It has a beautiful tree outback. I can see myself living in that house forever. With three or four small kids running around playing fetch with the family dog.

Yours Truly,
Ella ♡

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