Chapter 22

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Ella was halfway down the hallway when she heard footsteps behind her. She stopped and turned around to see who it was. Once she saw who it was she turned around and kept walking.

"Ella babe. You can't just ignore me."

"You know what Anthony, I think I can because my opinion was disrespected the other day when I received a letter."

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I just don't understand why you want to move out of your parents house when they give you money, pay your bills for everything, and support you unconditionally."

"Listen here you moron. I can do what I want. No matter what you or my parents say. I'll be eighteen in just a short time I want to do this. This is what my mother would of wanted to do but she couldn't because she was pregnant with me. So please leave me alone."

Ella turned around and started walking off to class without speaking another word to Anthony.


Anthony stood there for a few seconds before realizing that Ella wasn't going to turn around. He then proceeded to walk outside and get into his car.

As the engine started there was a knock on the door. He looked up from the dashboard and found someone standing at his door signaling to roll the window down.

"Where are you going?"

"For a drive. I can't be here any longer I need to clear my mind. Ella, I am sorry. Just go and leave. I can't support you and your ridiculous ideas. I just don't under-"

"Just drive okay. We'll talk when we get wherever you are going." Ella said as she got into his car.


As they drove Anthony kept looking over at Ella like he could sense something was wrong. He couldn't stand to see her like that. As for Ella she was looking out the windows enjoying the scenery and the animals. She could sense that Anthony was looking at her. Anthony had about enough of seeing her upset so he decide to take the next left and park in the side of the road.

"We are here now." He said. "As I was saying I just don't understand why you can't wait until we are graduated and in college."

"Anthony don't you see it. I am spoiled I always have been, even before my mother died. Even though we didn't have much she would always have something for me. I don't even pay my phone bill, my car insurance or for gas. I have things handed to me and it's not going to be like that."

"Ell I get that but the whole things about you moving and gaveling kids?" He said. "I think it's just to early for that."

"Why can't you just be happy for me and accept my choices?!" Ella says with tears rolling down her face. "I don't understand why you can't just accept anything I do. I was a good child. A child who never snuck out and or skipped school every other day. I actually got good grades and was out of the spotlight. Yeah I might not of had any friends but I sure as hell had a great time alone. Now with you around everything is different and I am scared. I am scared that I will become someone or something I am not. Maybe this wasn't right. Maybe I was supposed to be the weird nerdy girl and you were supposed to be the strange e boy that didn't ever like each other."

Anthony fought back the tears that were burning to come out. "Maybe that's what was supposed to happen. Maybe we shouldn't be together."

As tears rolled down Ella's cheeks she nodded. "Then let's not be something to each other anymore."

"Okay." Anthony said starting the car.


Once Ella got home she went straight to her room and stayed there for a while. She never went down for dinner. She never even budged. The only thing she moved for was the knock at the door.

"Who's there?" She sniffled.

"Hey girl it's me Skylar. Your big brother who also is your bestie!" He said.

Ella chuckled and told him he was allowed in. The first thing he noticed were her blood shot eyes, red puffy and tear stained cheeks.

"Gabriella what is wrong?"

"I- we broke up." She paused, "we both thought it was for the best. We both agreed that it was what was needed."

"Ella I am sorry honey. You don't need him. I promise you'll find someone better than him."

"Thank you Skylar. What is that?" Ella asked seeing the envelope in his hand.

"Oh it's for you from Anthony. I didn't read it and I didn't know that that happened or else I wouldn't of brought it."

"No it's fine. Give it here."


Dear Ella,

I am sorry. You're better off without me and I am glad you knew that it was as well. I am sorry. I hope you find someone better than me.



Ella began to cry again once she read the letter. She placed it in a box next to her bed where she kept all the letters she received from Anthony.

There was a small knock from the door and Skylar let them in. There stood Clayton and Teagan.

"We heard you crying from the hallway and we wanted to make sure you were okay." Clayton says.

"How about a family bonding time. Just us four in your room watching movies?" Teagan asked.

"I would like that a lot." Ella said.

And with that she had three boys in her queen sized bed along with her watching the Titanic crying over the sadness. She knew that it would be hard seeing Anthony but with her brother they would try to help her. And she was forever thankful for them.

"Good night Ella." They all say once she fell asleep.

They all got up and tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead.

"Feel better soon." Clayton said.

"And if we have to kick his ass we will."  Teagan said

"Because we  love you Ella."

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