Chapter 8

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Dearest Ant Man,

I have decided to start writing the date on the letters so if we do one day get married and keep these we will know exactly when it happened. And as for the date of you revealing yourself I am free that day during fourth period like most juniors. That is if you are a junior.

You would be very proud of me. I had went to the Homecoming game yesterday. I didn't understand what was going on but I figured out that when the numbers go up on our scoreboard for our team is good. I think I might go again.

But there is something I need to tell you. I think I like you. I don't know whether it's like a romantic attraction or if it's an emotional attraction. But for some reason all I think about is you. I wonder who you are on a daily basis and I wonder what you look like.

I am not one for the whe looks portion of everything but I also am to an extent. I have a list of what needs done for me to visually be attracted.

1. They have to be showered.
2. Brushes their teeth.
3. Wears deodorant.
4. Dresses nicely.

And when I say dresses nicely I dont mean in a suit or button every day. I cant stand people like that. I hardly care what they wear but it's how they choose to wear it and how they care for their bodies.

But as I was saying. I think I like you. I don't know what to do because I have never liked anyone before or at least I knew them. I promise, if you are not Anthony Waters, or Anthony Ashley I will hang out with you hut since I still don't know much about you we will have to find out more about eachother.

I explained to my stepmother about what was going on and she said what we are doing is a good idea because at least one of us can't make assumptions or be judgy. (Not saying I would judge you or anything) She also said it good for me to finally be communicating to someone after what happened.

You see I think it's good for me to express my feelings with someone who I dont even know because you didn't know any of this before I told you and you didn't even judge me for it and I thank you for it.

I guess I might see you tomorrow. ;)

Ella Elephant

Love, AnthonyWhere stories live. Discover now