Chapter 9

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Dear Ella Elephant,

In this letter I am not going to tell you about how I like you or how you are beautiful. I want to tell you something.

The first time I ever talked to a girl I really really liked her. I never thought someone else would ever come along like her but I mean look at where we are now. Her name was Alivia.

Alivia was always fixing her long blonde hair or smiling showing off her straight white smile. I never saw her without her group of friends or at least one if them. She was tall but not taller than me. Alivia could of been a model. She had this attitude that wasn't rude or to nice it was equal. She was very soft spoken most of the times.

I thought she wod of been mine forever. One day she started telling me about how she was having a child. Not any old child. My child. She had a pregnancy test and everything. I actually believed I was going to be a father. And the worst part if that was being sixteen and worrying about what was going to happen when the baby was born. I thought for sure I would have to drop out and get a job to help support us and the baby.

I told my mother about Alivia being pregnant and she whooped my ass. She started yelling at me asking me what had she done wrong. I told her that it wasn't her that had done anything wrong. We discussed what would happen once the baby was born and how we would handle it. I was going to finish out the year of school and then do online school once the baby was here.

All I heard from people was how I was such a horrible person for getting a fifteen year old pregnant. I had believed that I was indeed a horrible person. Up until u found out that the child was not mine.

I grabbed her phone to call her mom in night when she was staying with us. I seen she had texts from this kid named Austin. I read through weeks worth of messages. Most of them said "He doesn't know he's not that dad and we are going to keep it that way." or "What if he finds out before the baby is born and then what will happen."  I had woke her up and confronted her about it.

After having proof of her lieing to me about the child she still continued to lie. I drove her home that night and then I went to a spot just outside of town and broke down. I couldn't believe that someone I loved so much had hurt me so bad. I didn't know what to do. I gave her my all. 

When I got home my mom was awake and she asked where Alivia had gone. I told what had happened and she apologized for everything she had said and done.

Alivia had hurt me but I still loved her. But I finally moved on and now here you are.

I just felt that you need to know this if we are ever in a relationship and the name Alivia comes up.


P.s. I hope you dont mind that this is what I chose to talk about.

Love, AnthonyWhere stories live. Discover now