ChPter 13

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"Hey you two wake up."

Ella looked up to find a tall boy standing above her. She also looked around to see where she was. Around her was a coffee table, a TV playing The Goonies, a few chairs, and next to her was a sleeping Anthony.

"Wait. What time is it?" She asks the boy. "And who are you?"

"Well it's nine thirty a.m. and I'm Brady. But you actually might want to answer your phone."

Ella grabbed her phone and answered it. Before she even put it to her ear she could hear the screaming and yelling from her father and step mother.

"I'm sorry I scared you." She says.

At this point Anthony was awake and was looking over at Ella making sure everything was okay.

She pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at Anthony.

"No. I promise I am okay. I don't need you to come get me. I am with my Chem partner. I will be home later I promise. Okay bye. Love you."

Ella threw her phone across the room and laid back down. She was trying to get comfortable but she couldn't. Grabbing a throw pillow she put it under her head but it still didn't make it. In frustration she threw that too.

"Jesus Ella are you always like this when you wake up?" Anthony asked.

In reply to his question she made a groaning noise. It was to early for her to be up.

Anthony got up and walked into the kitchen to grab some water and make breakfast for them.


After breakfast Anthony offered Ella a ride home which she greatly appreciated.

Once Ella had gotten home she went upstairs since no one was home. Sitting down on her bed with a pencil and piece of paper she started to write.


Dear Anthony,

I enjoyed baking pies with you during Chemistry. You were a lot to handle though. I can't believe you couldn't even measure out one and three-fiths of a cup. I learned how to do that in fourth grade.

Also thank you for the clothes. They are super big on me and I forgot my clothes over at your house. I will have them washed for you and I will give them to you.

Also I didn't know you had that many followers tik tok boy. I see you have girls coming at you in many ways. I will quote some of them. "I wish I was your dog", "Well well. Look what we have here. My next husband."

These thirteen year old girls these days. When I was thirteen I was watching Spongebob and reading Harry Potter. Get them in check. And its not like they can have you or anything.

Ella (the witch)

She then sent it and went back to sleep.

Love, AnthonyWhere stories live. Discover now