𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒆

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"I..I have to kill them."

Suddenly a boy with glasses and dark blue hair with an undercut came running over to Bakugou. He started aggressively moving his arm back and forth saying, "That is no way to speak to your fellow classmates!"

"Oh and who are you supposed to be? Corporal Levi? Kuki Urie? Kyoya Ootori? Rei Ryugazaki?Or are you just supposed to follow along the lines of typical blue haired smart guy?"

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"Oh and who are you supposed to be? Corporal Levi? Kuki Urie? Kyoya Ootori? Rei Ryugazaki?Or are you just supposed to follow along the lines of typical blue haired smart guy?"

"U-uh pardon me, but who exactly are those people?"

"Oh God he'll be the first one to go."
"Alright you uneducated swine, I'll give you crucial pieces of info. And you better come back tomorrow educated as hell. *ahem* 845, *cracks ring finger*, host club reincarnated as a swim club."

"Too bad he'll already be gone before even learning about it. Loser."


Whenever he had the chance, Bakugou would stare at Kirishima. But the boy who looked like a tape dispenser kept getting in his way of looking.

Once the class had finished he stopped Bakugou from leaving and introduced himself. "I'm Hanta Sero!"
"Oh Jesus your name even goes with your stupid looks."
"I saw you looking at Kirishima all class today. Do you have a thing for him?"
Bakugou smiled and gave Sero his phone number. "I'll text you an address where we can meet and talk about this in private. Sound good?"
"Yeah! I'll meet you there bro!"
As he walked away Bakugou cringed. "Being nice is such a pain. But it's all for you my love."



Who the hell is this

It's Sero my dude

Oh it's just you. Meet me at the address xxxx in an hour

Serophane tape
Alright broski, meet ya there

Bakugou put together a little lunch for the two of them and started to head over to the house.

Once he arrived at the address, Bakugou set up their small lunch and waited for the doorbell to ring.

Not even a second later the bell rang.
Bakugou immediately got up and opened the door to see Sero standing there, smiling his little face off. "Woah man is this your house?" Sero asked looking around.
"It was an old relative's home, but they passed and lent this house to me."
"Don't be, old age. It'll get all of us," he said before mumbling a little something to himself. "Some a bit sooner than others..."
"What was that? Couldn't hear ya there bud!"
"Oh it's nothing, want some food?"
"Boy do I ever! I'm starved," he went on, but Bakugou tuned him out.
"Anyways...I'll go get the food."
He came back with a tray full of sandwiches. Just sandwiches.

"Let's have a contest of who can eat the most sandwiches."
"Bro I'll win."
"We'll see..."

And as Sero had said before, he did win. But Bakugou didn't let him on accident. It was all part of his plan.

"How about we play truth or dare?" The blonde asked. Sero nodded enthusiastically waiting for the question. "So...truth or dare?"

"We'll start off easy with a truth!"
"Hmm alright. If you loved someone so much...would you kill for them?"

Sero seemed taken aback, but the answer was simple. "No, I'd show them all my affection so then they'd have to fall in love with me."

"Interesting..." he said, eyes turning a shade lighter.

"Alright! Bakugou truth or dare!"
"Guess I'll do the same. Truth."
"Do you have a crush?"
His eyes turned a vivid burgundy now. "Well...I wouldn't call it a crush..."
"Holy crap you do?!?"
"I only signed up for one truth not two. Now, truth or dare?" Bakugou said excusing himself to the kitchen.

"I dare you to eat this whole cake in under five minutes!"
It wasn't a small cake, but it was good enough for a dare. "I mean I just ate what? 27 sandwiches? That's easy money. Hand it over."

Bakugou handed the delicate treat over to Sero and put on a devilish grin. The stuffed boy grabbed a fork and dove into the cake. He indulged the first bite, savoring every flavor before taking big bites. "Aw man this is amazing! Didja' make it yourself?"

"As a matter of fact I did. I've been told that it's so good it could kill."
"It probably could!" His face turned a bit, and he chewed slower. "Is there some sort of spice in here?"

"Remember when I asked you if you'd kill to get your one love?" Bakugou asked looking up from his seat. Eyes a bright pink now.
"Uh...yeah I do, and I said no..." Sero's vision was weary, and his head started to ache. Stomach groaned in pain. "What...the..."
"Well I WOULD!" He yelled out watching Sero fall out of his chair, eyes rolled back and skin paled.

The pink eyed killer started to laugh. First it was a chuckle, then a bit louder. Until it turned maniacal.

Katsuki Bakugou has just killed one of his classmates. And he wanted more.

(A/N) I'm honestly not happy with how this chapter turned out but I'm a day late with this update. Please vote and comment for more! Bye

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