10) Forest ~ Lansy

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Pansy didn't know what she was looking at. The strange Ravenclaw girl from the year below was in the forbidden forest barefoot, chucking raw meat out in front of her. Pansy, despite the situation, thought she looked beautiful.

Her father would kill her, she knew, but girls were just so pretty. She had tried to force an attraction onto Draco but he was clearly gay and neither of them wanted it.

The girl, Luna her name, looked over at Pansy and smiled. Pansy thought her chest was going to explode; she felt like she couldn't breathe. The smaller girl motioned her over and she obeyed; her hair even appeared to be glowing.

Luna filled Pansy in on the going ons in the forest; Pansy didn't understand but she kept listening. After their hours chat in the forest, Luna gave her a kiss on the cheek and skipped off.

Pansy rushed to tell Draco about the wonderful girl she met, and Draco was happy for her. He stopped making fun of Luna after that, too.

They had a few more meetups in the forest, they had picnics mainly. Luna would introduce Pansy to the creatures. Pansy would smile at her and cautiously hold her hand.

The first time they kissed, it was sort of an accident, really. Luna leaned in to kiss Pansy's cheek, and Pansy turned her head. The taller girl blushed madly, but Luna just kissed her lips again. And again. And before either of them knew it, they were making out in the middle of the forbidden forest, hands touching everywhere on eachother that they could.

Pansy's make up was smeared and Luna's eyes were twinkling, a little smile on her lips. They never officially came out as girlfriends, but it was rather obvious. Sharing sweet kisses in-between classes and holding hands through the halls. Luna usually sat with the Slytherin's at dinner, too.

Lansy is my guilty pleasure. Just let my girls be happy please and thank you.
(although linny and pansmione are also awesome)

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