12 x Reader

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imagine he helps you grieve the loss of your mother

When your mum collapsed on her bedroom floor, you didn't know that would be the end of it all, you couldn't even imagine a life without her and now that was exactly what you were doing- living your life, without her. No matter how many times people sent you cards and flowers, saying how they were sorry for your loss, it just wouldn't sink in that your mother was truly gone.

Of course, the doctor had tried to take your mind off it, but nothing seemed to work. The two of you were currently sat in your living room in complete silence, the doctor staring at you with his old, sad eyes, not daring to speak a word. As countless minutes passed, he finally let out a sigh. "y/n" He spoke. You slowly moved your head, looking in his direction. "Is this how it's going to be? You're just going to sit here and cry your entire life?" He quizzed. You couldn't believe he was actually saying this right now and just as you were about to yell at him, he spoke again.

"We've all lost people, y/n- some more than others. But are you really going to put your life on pause? Are you really going to sacrifice your dreams and hopes and ambitions, for one person. A person who loved you more than anyone else ever could, im sure, and a person who taught you how to read, how to write, how to do everything you can today. Your mother would've wanted you to go out there and live your life to it's fullest. So get up, and let's go" He smiled lightly.

You didn't know wether to be angry with him or not. He had no right to tell you how to cope with your mother's death. But then again, your mum would never want you to crush your own dreams because of her.

"You're right" You sighed as you stood up. "My mum is gone, and there is nothing i can do about it. So instead of spending my days crying over something that can never be undone, i'm gonna go out there and live my life- for her"

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